Test Article Main differences between Selenium RC and Selenium WebDriver – Dont Delete

Last updated on Aug 31 2021
Swaminathan M

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Main differences between Selenium RC and Selenium WebDriver  << This is Heading 1     H1

1.Architecture       <<< This is H3

The architecture of Selenium RC is complicated because it uses an intermediate RC Server to speak with the browser. The RC Server is installed initially before running the test scripts and acts as mediator between your Selenium commands and your browser.
When we execute a test script in Selenium RC, the subsequent operations are performed internally.
• The server injects a JavaScript program referred to as Selenium Core into the browser.
• Subsequently, Selenium Core will start receiving the instructions (Selenium commands) from the RC Server.
• When all the instructions are received, Selenium Core will execute them as JavaScript commands.
• These JavaScript commands act as instructions to the browser.
• The browser will execute all of the instructions provided by Selenium Core and returns an overall summary to the Server. This overall summary acts because the outcome which is displayed on the user screen.

The architecture of Selenium WebDriver is easier as compared to Selenium RC.
The browser is controlled directly from OS (Operating System) level. the essential requirements to run a test script on WebDriver are:
• An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) with any of the supported programing language like Java, C#, etc.
• A Browser to execute the instructions generated by the test script.

2. Speed        <<< This is H3

Selenium WebDriver performs faster than Selenium RC because it interacts directly with the browser without using any external proxy server. Selenium RC, on the opposite hand uses an intermediate RC Server to speak with the browser.
Execution of test scripts takes longer in Selenium RC than WebDriver, since it uses JavaScript commands as instructions to the browser.

3. Object Oriented        <<< This is H3

Selenium WebDriver is only object-oriented API, whereas Selenium RC is a smaller amount object-oriented API.
WebDriver is entirely supported object-oriented programming languages like Java, C#, etc.

4. Testing Mobile Applications        <<< This is H3

Selenium WebDriver supports OS (Operating System) for mobile applications like iOS, windows mobile and android. On the opposite hand, Selenium RC doesn’t support testing of mobile applications.

5. Browser Support          <<< This is H3

Selenium WebDriver also supports headless HTMLUnit browser (Invisible Browser).
Note: HTMLUnit is an invisible browser which facilitates faster execution of tests because it involves no time in expecting page elements to load.
Selenium RC doesn’t support the headless HTMLUnit browser because it needs a true browser to figure with.
So, this brings us to the end of blog. This Tecklearn ‘Comparison between Selenium WebDriver and Selenium RC’ blog helps you with commonly asked questions if you are looking out for a job in Selenium and Automation Testing. If you wish to learn Selenium and build a career in Automation Testing domain, then check out our interactive, Selenium Certification Training, that comes with 24*7 support to guide you throughout your learning period. Please find the link for course details:

Selenium Certification Training

Selenium Certification Training    <<< This is heading 2   H2   Course Names will always be H2

About the Course    <<< This is heading 3   H3

Tecklearn’s Selenium Certification Training enables you to master the complete Selenium suite. The Selenium Training is designed to train developers and manual testers to learn how to automate web applications with a robust framework, and integrate it within the DevOps processes of an organization. This Selenium Certification Training will also help you master important concepts such as TestNG, Selenium IDE, Selenium Grid, Selenium WebDriver, etc. Get hands-on experience on widely used automation frameworks such as Data-Driven Framework, Keyword-Driven Framework, Hybrid Framework, and Behavior Driven Development (BDD) Framework. Throughout this online Instructor-led Selenium Certification Training, you will be working on real-life industry use cases.

Why Should you take Selenium Certification Training?     <<< This is heading 3  H3

• The average salary of a Selenium Test Automation Engineer is $94k per year – Indeed.com.
• Automation Testing Market is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 18.0% in the next three years.
• Global software testing market to reach $50 billion by 2020 – NASSCOM. Selenium tool supports more browsers and languages than any other testing tool.

What you will Learn in this Course?       <<< This is heading 3  H3

Getting started with Selenium                 <<< This is a bold sub heading without any heading tags

• Introduction to Selenium testing
• Significance of automation testing
• Comparison of Manual and Automation Testing
• Installation of Java JDK, JRE and Eclipse

Setting the environment in Eclipse for Selenium       <<< This is a bold sub heading without any heading tags

• Java Introduction
• Creating a Java function and executing
• Concepts of Java
• Properties File
• Reading Data from Excel File
• Database Connection
• Hands On

Advantages of Selenium automation testing    <<< This is a bold sub heading without any heading tags

• Selenium Features
• Concept of Selenium Integrated Development Environment
• Understanding of the Selenium IDE features
• Addition of Script assertions and general commands
• Deploying the first Selenium Script
• Sample project IDE
• Recording Selenium test case
• Hands On

Selenium Web driver Automation      <<< This is a bold sub heading without any heading tags

• Architecture of Selenium Web Driver
• Download and installation
• Creating a Java function using Selenium and execution
• Hands On

Deploying Web Drivers for scripting             <<< This is a bold sub heading without any heading tags

• Getting the HTML source of Web Element
• Table and Form Elements
• Firebug extension and Fire Path installation
• Advance User Interactions and Cross Browser Testing
• Hands On

Deep dive into Selenium Web Driver           <<< This is a bold sub heading without any heading tags

• Action Commands
• Web Table / Date Picker
• How to Implement Switching Commands in WebDriver
• Alerts
• Frames
• Hands On

Switching Operations in WebDriver using Window                 <<< This is a bold sub heading without any heading tags

• Selenium Webdriver Wait
• Implicit wait, Explicit wait
• Deploying searching elements using the link text, name, using XPath
• Calendar
• Hands On

Introduction to TestNG Framework                 <<< This is a bold sub heading without any heading tags

• Introduction to TestNG
• Advantages of TestNG
• Installing TestNG on Eclipse
• Rules to write TestNG
• TestNG Features
• Annotations
• Grouping
• Sequencing: Prioritization and Dependency
• Enable/Disable a test case
• Parameterization: Using Xml file and DataProvider
• Parallel Testing & Cross Browser Testing
• TestNG Report: HTML Report, Console Report, XML Report

JUnit Operations and Test Framework              <<< This is a bold sub heading without any heading tags

• Annotations, Methods in JUnit
• Junit Test Suites, ANT Build and JUNIT reporting
• Types of Test Automation Framework
• Module Based Testing Framework
• Data Driven Testing Framework
• Keyword Driven Testing Framework
• Hybrid Driven Testing Framework
• How to implement Testing Framework in Project

Object Repository                     <<< This is a bold sub heading without any heading tags

• Understanding of Object Repository
• Learning sample scripts using object repository
• Page Object Modelling
• Page Factory

JavaScript Functions                  <<< This is a bold sub heading without any heading tags

• Autosuggestion
• Headless Browser
• Sikuli
• XPath

Preformatted  Text Example                 <<< Preformatted  Text example in heading 4  H4

1. package mypack;
2. import org.junit.Assert;
3. import org.openqa.selenium.By;
4. import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
5. import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;
6. public class Checkbox_test {
8. public static void main(String[] args) {
9. // TODO Auto-generated method stub
10. System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver","C:\\\\work\\\\chromedriver.exe");
11. WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
12. driver.navigate().to("https://www.spicejet.com/");
13. Assert.assertFalse(driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("input[id*='SeniorCitizenDiscount']")).isSelected());
14. System.out.println(driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("input[id*='SeniorCitizenDiscount']")).isSelected());
16. }
18. }

Table  Insertion Example                 <<< Table Data example in heading 4  H4

Accessors are the selenium commands that examine the state of the appliance and store the leads to variables. they’re also wont to automatically generate Assertions.
Some of the foremost commonly used Accessors commands include:

Command/Syntax Description
storeTitle (variableName) This command gets the title of the present page.
storeText (locator, variableName) This command gets the text of a component
storeValue (locator,variableName) This command gets the (whitespace-trimmed) value of an input field.
storeTable (tableCellAddress, variableName) This command gets the text from a cell of a table.
storeLocation (variableName) This command gets the absolute URL of the present page.
storeElementIndex (locator, variableName) This command gets the relative index of a component to its parent (starting from 0).
storeBodyText (variableName) This command gets the whole text of the page.
storeAllButtons (variableName) It returns the IDs of all buttons on the page.
storeAllFields (variableName) It returns the IDs of all input fields on the page.
storeAllLinks (variableName) It returns the IDs of all links on the page.


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