Social Media Marketing using Video

Last updated on May 31 2022
Sarika Patil

Table of Contents

Social Media Marketing using Video

We are compelled by what we see over what actually exists. In digital marketing, what people see actually sells. this is often the rationale why ‘online video marketing’ is on the increase. Video Marketing is that the process of employing a video in marketing to market a business or a service.

History of Video Marketing

Video Marketing has been a key advertising module since 1940s. the primary video ad was launched in 1941 by Boluva. it had been a billboard on a replacement York television station during Yankee game. Since then, the recognition of video advertising is continuously rising.

  • In 1979, video disrupted traditional media when MTV released the video of “video killed the radio star.” it had been produced on a budget of $50,000 in South London.
  • In 1984, Apple launched an iconic TV commercial for Apple Macintosh PC. Its cost was around $900,000.
  • The year 1995 marked the start of Viral Videos. An Executive at Fox Commissions made a video Christmas card (Jesus v/s Santa) for his friends and family and it became viral.
  • In 1996, “The dancing baby” entertained millions by the humorous dance of an animated baby.
  • “Charlie bit my finger again” took the planet by storm in 2007.
  • In 2012, the video Gangnam Style became an enormous hit and broke all records in YouTube.
  • In 2014, YouTube begins to make superstars out of video contributors. within the same year, charity begins when ALS made 1,000,000 people to require ‘Ice bucket challenge’ and raised $100 millions.

Gangnam Style made $10 million only from one video on YouTube. Here may be a list of another samples of such viral videos −

  • Will it blend?
  • Red Bull
  • Our Blades are f***ing great
  • Old spice

The production cost of those video ads were pretty low compared to the result they achieved by reaching many hearts directly. The key concept behind their success was an ingenious and unique idea.


YouTube may be a video sharing website that allows you to upload, view, and share videos. you’ll also like and discuss videos. it’s employed by many users. it’s an excellent tool for business branding.

Create an Account on YouTube

Branding through YouTube is sensible , as YouTube users are constantly increasing. Short clips or a quick video description of your company can double your presence.

To create a business account on YouTube, tie it together with your Google+ account. There are two discrete ways of doing it −

  • Use your Google+ account to make a YouTube account. To do so, click the dropdown on the top-right corner of your Google+ page. Select ‘create a channel’ and follow the instructions.
  • Create a YouTube account and it’ll automatically create a Google+ page for you. To do so, navigate through YouTube. Click the thumbnails on top-right corner of the page. Click ‘Creator Studio’. prefer to create ‘new channel’ Follow-up next.

Upload Video on YouTube

  • Signin to Youtube.
  • Navigate to ‘my guide’ on the upper left corner of the screen. look for ‘my channel’.
  • Click ‘upload’.
  • Select the video you would like to upload and click on ‘confirm’.


Vimeo is additionally designed to share videos a bit like YouTube, but the difference is that it’s a community of execs . it’s not meant for corporate advertisements.

Create an Account on Vimeo

  • Go to and sign-up. Fill within the required details. Now you’re a registered member of Vimeo.
  • To create a channel, log in to Vimeo and click on ‘Create a channel’ on the proper .

Upload Video on Vimeo

  • Log in to your Vimeo account.
  • Click the ‘Upload Video’ button. make sure that you’re permitted to upload videos. confirm you’re uploading original videos and not copyrighted ones.
  • Click ‘choose a file to upload’ button. Select a file and ensure .
  • Let the video convert. It gets converted once uploaded. undergo your E-mail to verify .


Dailymotion is analogous to Vimeo and YouTube. It allows users to upload, share, and consider videos.

Create an Account on Dailymotion

  • Join Dailymotion by registering on Fill within the required details.
  • Enter your e-mail, password, and date of birth.
  • Create your public name, link URL, and enter your passcode. Congrats! you’re through with it.

Upload Video on Dailymotion

  • Log in to your Dailymotion account.
  • Click ‘upload a video’ button on the top-left of the page.
  • Select the specified video from the dashboard.
  • Choose the file and click on ‘Open’.
  • Enter the specified details on the shape . await the upload to end . Confirm by saving it.


Ranking Factors of a Video

  • Relevance − A video should be relevant to the user’s search query. Since the content is video, its‘title’forms the essential relevancy measuring factor.
  • User Engagement − The video should be ready to keep the users engaged.
  • Authority − Trust and authority affects the video ranking. Platforms check for authority as a trust think about order to avoid spams.

Increase Subscribers and Views

Seeking more visibility for your videos? Here may be a list of tips and tricks that you simply can apply to extend subscribers and views −

  • Post consistently. confirm you provide valuable content.
  • Write titles of your videos strategically. Keep it basic and relevant.
  • Make use of annotations. it’s going to attract more subscriptions.
  • Ask for likes and subscribes at the top of the video.
  • Create a video channel. Make a posting schedule and stick with it.
  • Develop transitions. It cultivates your brands to a wider reach. Thus it’s large impact on your branding.
  • Subscribe to other channels to draw in more subscribers.

Increase Video Views

You can increase your video views quite significantly by taking the subsequent measures −

  • Add video links to your blog.
  • Share it wisely on social media platforms.
  • Add it to your IM and standing (say skype status).
  • Create catchy titles.
  • Make is compelling and price seeing.
  • Ask a 3rd party to approve your descriptions.
  • Add a custom/appealing thumbnail.
  • Add annotations.
  • Ask for shares.
  • Create a jukebox type playlist of your videos. Idea is accumulate them during a capsule.
  • Actively reply to comments.
  • Purchase views.

Advantages of Video Ads

  • Video ads are more eye-catching then text ads. Hence, they’re more likely to convert.
  • Video ads generate tremendous viewers’ interest.
  • Video ads rank well on SERP thanks to descriptive tags.
  • A video ad can create quicker publicity as compared to text or image ads.

Promote Your Video Ads

To draw maximum enjoy a video ad, you want to sell and here is how you’ll promote a video −

  • Promote it on your blog or website.
  • Include your video in your e-mail, IMs, status, etc.
  • Make it viral on all video channels.
  • Have a clear presence on social media.

So, this brings us to the end of blog. This Tecklearn ‘Social Media Marketing using Video’ blog helps you with commonly asked questions if you are looking out for a job in SEO and Digital Marketing. If you wish to learn SEO and build a career in Digital Marketing and SEO domain, then check out our interactive, SEM and Digital Marketing Training, that comes with 24*7 support to guide you throughout your learning period. Please find the link for course details:

SEM and Digital Marketing Training

About the Course

Tecklearn’s Search Engine Marketing involves promoting your brand’s presence through paid advertising via search engines. This Search Engine Marketing certification training course includes detailed study of PPC, Google AdWords, building paid advertising campaigns, tracking, optimizing and remarketing. You will gain hands-on experience through live projects to understand the requirements of the industry.

Why Should you take SEM and Digital Marketing Training?

  • Digital Marketing Industry Worth $62 Billion – The Wall Street Journal
  • Demand for digital marketing professionals will rise by 38% every year –
  • One of the hottest skill in the market – Inc Magazine

What you will Learn in this Course?

Introduction to Search Engine Marketing

  • Importance of search engine marketing
  • Benefits of online advertising Versus other forms of advertising
  • Advertising on search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and networks & websites

Building a Sustainable Social Media Strategy

  • Social Media Challenges
  • Strategy Building
  • Creating a Campaign
  • Planning and Benefiting from Strategy

Keywords Research

  • Introduction to keywords
  • Choosing the right keywords based on the business angle and what customers search on search engine
  • Various types of keyword match and the significance of each keyword match type

Google Analytics – An Overview

  • Basics of google analytics
  • Importance of various dimensions and metrics and how they can impact your website
  • Deep dive into how to setup your account and grant the permissions to other users
  • Creating PPC ad campaigns

Google Analytics – KPIs & Tools Integration

  • Working with the various metrics in Google ad campaigns
  • Monitoring the right metrics
  • Measuring the performance of ads
  • Concept of Conversion Tracking and ways to set up Conversion Tracking
  • Track Code in website and Verifying Conversion statistics

Google Analytics – Audience Reports & Analysis

Google Analytics – Behaviour Analysis

Google AdWords Express

  • Overview of Google AdWords Express
  • How it is different from Google AdWords
  • Features and Benefits of AdWords Express
  • Getting the right performance of ads

Reporting in PPC

Extracting reports with Google AdWords, KPI’s, reporting segments, and other useful reports in Google AdWords.

Introduction to remarketing

Introduction to remarketing, remarketing campaign setup, remarketing List Creation, creating advanced level Lists

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