Qlik Sense In Function

Last updated on Nov 15 2021
Deepak Gupta

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Qlik Sense In Function

Following are the Qlik Sense In Function, let’s discuss them intimately –

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i. inyear() function
This function returns True if the timestamp contains an equivalent year as mentioned in base_date. the info type returned by this function is Boolean.

The syntax of Qlik Sense inyear function:

1. InYear(timestamp,base_date,period_no[,first_month_of_year])

Where timestamp is that the recorded date by your system.

base_date is that the date entered supported which the year in timestamp is evaluated.

Using period_no you’ll set an offset for the year. If its value is 0 then we will evaluate the present year and appearance for within the timestamp. But if it’s positive then a year then mentioned within the timestamp is taken and if it’s a negative value, then a year previous to the that of timestamp is evaluated.

Through the parameter first_month_of_year you’ll set the month from which the respective year will start.
For example,

1. inyear (’25/01/2017′, ’01/01/2017′, 0)
will return True because the year within the base date is within the timestamp too.

1. inyear (’25/01/2017′, ’01/01/2018′, 0)
returns False because the 2 dates don’t match.

1. inyear (’25/01/2017′, ’01/01/2017′, -1)
returns False because -1 shows that the year within the base date should a year previous thereto of the timestamp.

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1. inyear (’25/01/2017′, ’01/01/2016′, -1)
returns True because the year in base date is one year previous to the timestamp’s year.

ii. inyeartodate() function
This function returns True if the year within the timestamp falls within the year given within the base date. the info type is Boolean because the results will return as True (-1) and False (0).

The syntax of Qlik Sense inyeartodate function:

1. InYearToDate(timestamp,base_date,period_no[,first_month_of_year])
Where timestamp is that the recorded date by your system.

base_date is that the date entered supported which the year in timestamp is evaluated.

Using period_no you’ll set an offset for the year. If its value is 0 then we will evaluate the present year and appearance for within the timestamp. But if it’s positive then a year then mentioned within the timestamp is taken and if it’s a negative value, then a year previous to the that of timestamp is evaluated.

Through the parameter first_month_of_year you’ll set the month from which the respective year will start. If you are doing not want the year to start out from January then, take integer values from 2 to 12 for February to January respectively.

For example, within the code given below, invoice dates are loaded and using the inyeartodate function, we would like to see whether these dates fall within a financial year staring from 01/05/2017 and ending on 31/01/2018.

1. TempTable:
2. LOAD RecNo() as InvID, * Inline [
3. InvoiceDate
4. 28/03/2017
5. 10/12/2017
6. 5/2/2018
7. 31/3/2018
8. 19/5/2018
9. 15/9/2018
10. 11/12/2018
11. 2/3/2019
12. 14/5/2019
13. 13/6/2019
14. ];
15. InvoiceData:
16. LOAD *,
17. InYearToDate(InvDate, ’31/01/2018′, 0, 4) AS FiscalYear
18. Resident TempTable;
19. Drop table TempTable;

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In the resultant table you’ll get True(-1) if the date falls within the given financial year and False(0) if it doesn’t.

InvoiceDate FiscalYear
28/03/2017 0(False)
10/12/2018 -1(True)
5/02/2018 0(False)
31/03/2018 0(False)
19/05/2018 0(False)
15/09/2018 0(False)
11/12/2018 0(False)
2/03/2019 0(False)
14/05/2019 0(False)
13/06/2019 0(False)

iii. inquarter() function
This function returns True if the year within the timestamp lies within the quarter during which the year of base date falls.

The syntax of Qlik Sense inquarter function:

1. InQuarter(timestamp,base_date,period_no[,first_month_of_year])

Where, timestamp is that the recorded date by your system.

base_date is that the date entered supported which the year in timestamp is evaluated.

Using period_no you’ll set an offset for the year. If its value is 0 then we will evaluate the present year and appearance for within the timestamp. But if it’s positive then we take a year then within the timestamp and if it’s a negative value, then we evaluate a year previous to the that of timestamp.

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Through the parameter first_month_of_year you’ll set the month from which the respective year will start. If you are doing not want the year to start out from January then, take integer values from 2 to 12 for February to January respectively.

For example, within the script shown below, we’ve loaded some invoice dates and need to see using the inquarter function that which dates falls within the quarter same because the base date 31/01/2018 of the financial year ranging from May 1st 2017.

1. TempTable:
2. LOAD RecNo() as InvID, * Inline [
3. InvoiceDate
4. 28/03/2017
5. 10/12/2017
6. 5/2/2018
7. 31/3/2018
8. 19/5/2018
9. 15/9/2018
10. 11/12/2018
11. 2/3/2019
12. 14/5/2019
13. 13/6/2019
14. ];
15. InvoiceData:
16. LOAD *,
17. InYearToDate(InvDate,’31/01/2018′,0,4)AS FiscalYearQuarter
18. Resident TempTable;
19. Drop table TempTable;

The table given below shows the results of the evaluation.

InvoiceDate FiscalYearQuarter

28/03/2017 0(False)
10/12/2018 0(False)
5/02/2018 -1(True)
31/03/2018 -1(True)
19/05/2018 0(False)
15/09/2018 0(False)
11/12/2018 0(False)
2/03/2019 0(False)
14/05/2019 0(False)
13/06/2019 0(False)

iv. inquartertodate() function

This function returns True if the year within the timestamp, falls within the quarter of the date shown within the base date.

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The syntax of inquartertodate function:

InQuarterToDate(timestamp, base_date, period_no [, first_month_of_year])

Where, timestamp is that the recorded date by your system.

base_date is that the date entered supported which the year in timestamp is evaluated.

Using period_no you’ll set an offset for the year. If its value is 0 then we will evaluate the present year and appearance for within the timestamp. But if it’s positive then we take a year then within the timestamp and if it’s a negative value, then we evaluate a year previous to the that of timestamp.

Through the parameter first_month_of_year you’ll set the month from which the respective year will start. If you are doing not want the year to start out from January then, take integer values from 2 to 12 for February to January respectively.

For instance, within the piece of code loaded below have the invoice dates which can be checked by the function for they fall under the fourth quarter (here the financial year starts from May 1st 2017, which makes May, June, July the primary quarter) of the year or not. the bottom date is about on 28/02/2018.

1. TempTable:
2. LOAD RecNo() as InvID, * Inline [
3. InvoiceDate
4. 28/03/2017
5. 10/12/2017
6. 5/2/2018
7. 31/3/2018
8. 19/5/2018
9. 15/9/2018
10. 11/12/2018
11. 2/3/2019
12. 14/5/2019
13. 13/6/2019
14. ];
15. InvoiceData:
16. LOAD *,
17. InYearToDate(InvDate,’28/02/2018′,0,4)AS FiscyearQuarterdate
18. Resident TempTable;
19. Drop table TempTable;

The resultant table gives only the date 5/02/2018 which fulfils the criterion.

InvoiceDate FiscyearQuarterdate
28/03/2017 0(False)
10/12/2018 0(False)
5/02/2018 -1(True)
31/03/2018 0(False)
19/05/2018 0(False)
15/09/2018 0(False)
11/12/2018 0(False)
2/03/2019 0(False)
14/05/2019 0(False)
13/06/2019 0(False)

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v. inmonth() function

This function returns True or -1, if the month within the timestamp is found same as that within the given base date.
The syntax of inmonth functin in Qlik Sense:

1. InMonth(timestamp,base_date,period_no[,first_month_of_year])

Where timestamp is that the recorded date by your system.
base_date is that the date entered supported which the year in timestamp is evaluated.
Using period_no you’ll set an offset for the year. If its value is 0 then we will evaluate the present year and appearance for within the timestamp. But if it’s positive then we take a year then within the timestamp and if it’s a negative value, then we evaluate a year previous to the that of timestamp.

The parameter first_month_of_year is optional.

For example,

inmonth (’25/01/2018′, ’01/01/2018′, 0) returns True because the months in timestamp and base date are an equivalent .

inmonth(’25/01/2018′, ’01/04/2018′, 0) returns False because the months are different.
vi. inmonthtodate() function
This function retrurns True if the date within the timestamp lies within the month same as that of the bottom date.
The syntax of Qlik Sense inmonthtodate function:

1. InMonthToDate(timestamp, base_date, period_no)
Where timestamp is that the recorded date by your system.

base_date is that the date entered supported which the year in timestamp is evaluated.
Using period_no you’ll set an offset for the year. If its value is 0 then we will evaluate the present year and appearance for within the timestamp. But if it’s positive then we take a year then within the timestamp and if it’s a negative value, then we evaluate a year previous to the that of timestamp.

For example,

• inmonthtodate (’25/01/2013′, ’25/01/2013′, 0) returns True because in both timestamp and basedate the months and days are same.
• inmonthtodate (’25/01/2013′, ’24/01/2013′, 0) returns False because the dates aren’t same in both.
• inmonthtodate (’25/01/2013′, ’28/02/2013′, -1) returns True because the period_No is about to be -1 which evaluates the month previous to what’s given within the base date. Her, 02 is given within the base date but the expression is evaluated for 01 which matches it with the timestamp value.

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vii. inmonths() function

This function returns True if the month of the timestamp falls within the same month or within an equivalent bi-month, quarter, tertial or half-year (six-months) because the base date falls in.
The syntax of inmonths function:

1. InMonths(n_months, timestamp, base_date, period_no [, first_month_of_year])

Where timestamp is that the recorded date by your system.

N_months sets the month interval i.e. 1 for one month interval (inmonth()), 2 for bi-month, 3 for 3 month interval (inquarter()), 4 for tertial (four-month interval) and 6 for half year or six month interval.

base_date is that the date entered supported which the year in timestamp is evaluated.

Using period_no you’ll set an offset for the year. If its value is 0 then we will evaluate the present year and appearance for within the timestamp. But if it’s positive then we take a year then within the timestamp and if it’s a negative value, then we evaluate a year previous to the that of timestamp.

Through the parameter first_month_of_year you’ll set the month from which the respective year will start. If you are doing not want the year to start out from January then, take integer values from 2 to 12 for February to January respectively.

For example,
inmonths(4, ’25/01/2018′, ’25/04/2018′, 0) returns True because the month interval is about at 4 then the bottom date 25/04/2018 must lie between the interval of 4 months i.e. 01/01/2018 to 30/04/2018.

viii. Inmonthstodate() function
This function returns True if the month of the timestamp falls within the same month or within an equivalent bi-month, quarter, tertial or half-year (six-months) because the last millisecond of base date falls in.

The syntax of Qlik Sense inmonthtodate function :
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1. InMonths(n_months, timestamp, base_date, period_no[, first_month_of_year ])

Where timestamp is that the recorded date by your system.
N_months sets the month interval i.e. 1 for one month interval (inmonth()), 2 for bi-month, 3 for 3 month interval (inquarter()), 4 for tertial (four month interval) and 6 for half year or six month interval.

base_date is that the date entered supported which the year in timestamp is evaluated.

Using period_no you’ll set an offset for the year. If its value is 0 then we will evaluate the present year and appearance for within the timestamp. But if it’s positive then we take a year then within the timestamp and if it’s a negative value, then we evaluate a year previous to the that of timestamp.

Through the parameter first_month_of_year you’ll set the month from which the respective year will start. If you are doing not want the year to start out from January then, take integer values from 2 to 12 for February to January respectively.

For example,

• inmonthstodate(4, ’25/01/2013′, ’25/04/2013′, 0) returns True because the date on timestamp falls on within the interval of 4 months.
• inmonthstodate(4, ’26/04/2013′, ’25/04/2006′, 0) returns False because the years are different and no period offset has been set.

ix. Inweek() function

This function returns True if the date recorded within the timestamp falls within the same week as is given within the base date.

The syntax of Inweek function:

1. InWeek(timestamp, base_date, period_no[, first_week_day])

Where timestamp is that the recorded date by your system.

base_date is that the date entered supported which the year in timestamp is evaluated.

Using period_no you’ll set an offset for the year. If its value is 0 then we will evaluate the present year and appearance for within the timestamp. But if it’s positive then a year then mentioned within the timestamp is taken and if it’s a negative value, then a year previous to the that of timestamp is evaluated.

Through the parameter first_month_of_year you’ll set the month from which the respective year will start. If you are doing not want the year to start out from January then, take integer values from 2 to 12 for February to January respectively.

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For example,

inweek (‘5/11/2018′,’9/11/2018’,0) returns True because both the dates fall within the same week.
inweek (’12/11/2018′,’1/11/2018′,0) returns False because both the dates don’t fall within the same week.

x. Inweektodate() function

This function returns True if the date recorded within the timestamp falls within the same week as is given within the base date to the last millisecond of it.

The syntax of inweektodate function:

1. InWeek(timestamp, base_date, period_no[, first_week_day])

Where timestamp is that the recorded date by your system.
base_date is that the date entered supported which the year in timestamp is evaluated.
Using period_no you’ll set an offset for the year. If its value is 0 then we will evaluate the present year and appearance for within the timestamp. But if it’s positive then we take a year then within the timestamp and if it’s a negative value, then we evaluate a year previous to the that of timestamp.

Through the parameter first_month_of_year you’ll set the month from which the respective year will start. If you are doing not want the year to start out from January then, take integer values from 2 to 12 for February to January respectively.

For example,

1. inweek (’12/01/2006′,’12/01/2006′,0)
returns True because both the dates fall within the same week.

1. inweek (’12/01/2006′,’11/11/2018′,0)
returns False because both the dates don’t fall within the same week.

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xi. Inlunarweek() function

This function returns True if the week in timestamp falls within the lunar week same because the base date. Lunar weeks are the weeks which start from 1st of January because the first day of the week.
The syntax of inlunarweek function:

1. InLunarWeek(timestamp,base_date,period_no[,first_week_day])
Where timestamp is that the recorded date by your system.

base_date is that the date entered supported which the year in timestamp is evaluated.

Using period_no you’ll set an offset for the year. If its value is 0 then we will evaluate the present year and appearance for within the timestamp. But if it’s positive then we take a year then within the timestamp and if it’s a negative value, then we evaluate a year previous to the that of timestamp.

Through the parameter first_month_of_year you’ll set the month from which the respective year will start. If you are doing not want the year to start out from January then, take integer values from 2 to 12 for February to January respectively.

inlunarweek(’12/01/2017′,’14/01/2017′,0) returns True. Because the worth of timestamp, 12/01/2013 falls within the week 08/01/2017 to 14/01/2017.

xii. Inlunarweektodate() function

This function returns True if the week in timestamp falls within the lunar week same as and upto the bottom date and to the last millisecond of it. Lunar weeks are the weeks which start from 1st of January because the first day of the week.

The syntax of Inlunarweektodate:

1. InLunarWeek(timestamp,base_date,period_no[,first_week_day])
Where timestamp is that the recorded date by your system.

base_date is that the date entered supported which the year in timestamp is evaluated.
Using period_no you’ll set an offset for the year. If its value is 0 then we will evaluate the present year and appearance for within the timestamp. But if it’s positive then we take a year then within the timestamp and if it’s a negative value, then we evaluate a year previous to the that of timestamp.

Through the parameter first_month_of_year you’ll set the month from which the respective year will start. If you are doing not want the year to start out from January then, take integer values from 2 to 12 for February to January respectively.

inlunarweek(’12/01/2017′,’14/01/2017′,0) returns True. Because the worth of timestamp, 12/01/2013 falls within the week 08/01/2017 to 14/01/2017.

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xiii. Inday() function

This function returns True if the day within the timestamp lies within the base_timestamp too.
The syntax of Qlik sense Inday function:

1. InDay(timestamp, base_timestamp, period_no[, day_start])
Where timestamp is that the time and date recorded by the system at a selected instant.

base_timestamp is that the time and date you would like to guage against the timestamp.

period_no helps you set an offset for the day which you would like to guage . you employ 0 if you would like to guage the day given within the base_timestamp. We use a negative value (such as -1, -2) to think about the times previous thereto of base_timestamp and a positive value considers the times after or succeeding those given within the base_timestamp.

From the day_start parameter, you’ll set the time of when each day would start as a fraction value. Like, 0.125 for 3AM etc. you are doing this once you don’t want to start out each day at 12 midnight.

For example,

inday (’12/01/2017 12:23:00′, ’12/01/2017 00:00:00′, 0) returns True because both the dates denote an equivalent day.

xiv. Indaytotime() function

This function returns True if the day within the timestamp lies within the day a part of the base_timestamp which too to the last millisecond of the time until which the day doesn’t change.

The syntax of indaytotime function:

1. InDayToTime(timestamp, base_timestamp, period_no[, day_start])

Where timestamp is that the time and date recorded by the system at a selected instant.

base_timestamp is that the time and date you would like to guage against the timestamp.
period_no helps you set an offset for the day which you would like to guage . We use 0 if we

would like to guage the day given within the base_timestamp. We use a negative value (such as -1, -2) to think about the times previous thereto of base_timestamp and a positive value considers the times after or succeeding those given within the base_timestamp.

From the day_start parameter, you’ll set the time of when each day would start as a fraction value. Like, 0.125 for 3AM etc. We do that once we don’t want to start out each day at 12 midnight.

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For example,

indaytotime (’12/01/2017 12:23:00′, ’12/01/2017 23:59:00′, 0) returns True because the time in both the timestamps is for an equivalent day.

Qlik Sense Table Functions

i. FieldName() function

This function is employed once you want to return the name of a field from a previously loaded table. you’ll need to specify the name of the table if you’re using this function outside of the LOAD statement during which that specific table is been loaded. But if you’re using this function within the piece of code which has the concerned table within the LOAD statement, you want to not specify the table’s name because it would be automatically understood by the system’s logic.

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The syntax of FieldName function:

1. FieldName(field_number ,table_name)

Where field_number is that the number of the sector within the table.
And, table_name is that the name of the table from which you would like the function to seek out the sector name through the sector number.

For instance, the piece of code given below uses the FieldName function to call the 2nd field i.e. Attribute field within the script statement. this is often an example of using this function within an equivalent LOAD statement because the table.

1. LOAD *
2. FieldName(2)
3. Inline [
4. AttributeCode, Attribute
5. R, Red
6. Y, Yellow
7. B, Blue
8. C, Cotton
9. P, Polyester
10. S, Small
11. M, Medium
12. L, Large
13. ];
If you would like to use this function out of an equivalent LOAD statement then it might be as given below. Which assigns the function as a variable x and calls the fieldname from tab1 at the fourth position.

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1. LET x = FieldName(4,’tab1′);

ii. FieldNumber() function
The FieldNumber() function returns the amount of the sector during a table. This function can either be used within the LOAD script where the table is loaded or outside of it by calling the sector and table during which the sector resides.

The syntax of Qlik Sense FieldNumber Function:

1. FieldNumber(field_name ,table_name)
Where field_name is that the name of the sector of which you would like to understand the amount . And, table_name is that the name of the table which contains the concerned field.

For example,

1. LET x = FieldNumber(‘Customer’,’Sales’);

Suppose the sector name ‘Customer’ mentioned within the sample code above is that the 2nd field within the table ‘Sales’. Then this function would return 2. Note that we’ve mentioned the name of the table because we are using it out of the LOAD statement loading the table ‘Sales’. Although if you employ this function within the LOAD statement for Sales table then mentioning the name within the function isn’t required. If no such field as you mentioned within the function is out there within the table then 0 is returned.

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iii. NoOfFields() function

This function is employed to return the entire number of fields present during a table.

The syntax of Qlik Sense NoOfFields function:

1. NoOfFields(table_name)

Where in situ of table_name parameter, you would like to enter the name of the table of which you want to understand the amount of fields. However, if you’re using this function within the LOAD statement during which the concerned table is been loaded then the name of the table isn’t required because the function’s parameter.

For example, if during a table called Sales, there are a complete of 8 fields then we’ll use the NoOfFields() function as,

1. LET x = NoOfFields(‘Sales’);

Returns 8 because the value for the variable x.

iv. NoOfRows() function

This function is employed to return the entire number of rows during a table.
The syntax of NoOfRows function in Qlik Sense:

1. NoOfRows(table_name)

Where table_name is that the name of the table of which we would like to understand the amount of rows.
For example, if there’s a table named ‘Sales’ and there are 80 rows in it. Then using this function, you’ll get this value may be a result.

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1. LET x= NoOfRows(‘Sales’);

Returns 80 because the value adequate to x.

v. NoOfTables() function

This function returns the entire number of tables that are loaded during a LOAD statement.

The syntax of NoOfTables Function:

1. NoOfTables()

Suppose you’ve got loaded 10 different tables within a LOAD statement, then this function will return 10.

vi. TableName() function

This function returns the name of the table like the unique number that the table has.

The syntax of TableName Function in Qlik Sense:

1. TableName(table_number)

Where table_number is that the n of the nth number of tables that has been loaded into a specific LOAD statement.

vii. TableNumber() function

This function returns the amount assigned to a selected table during a LOAD statement as a neighborhood of the script. In every LOAD statement, the tables are numbered, and therefore the refore the first table is numbered 0 and the second table 1 then on.

Let’s revise Qlik Sense Conditional Functions

The syntax of TableNumber Function:

1. TableNumber(table_name)
Qlik Sense Day Numbering Functions
Following are some Qlik Sense Day Numbering Functions –
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i. age() function

The age function returns the age of an individual in years which is evaluated by the knowledge given within the timestamp (which is that the current date) and therefore the date of birth of the person. This function returns a numeric value.

The syntax of Qlik Sense age function:

1. age(timestamp, date_of_birth)
For example, if you’re using the DD/MM/YYYY date format then,
age(’25/01/2018′,’25/12/2010’) will return 6 because the person would complete 6 years and would have 7th year as running on the 25th of January,2018 which is that the timestamp value.

Enter the script given below within the script editor of your Qlik Sense application and see what results you get.

1. Employees:
3. Member|DateOfBirth
4. John|28/03/1989
5. Kacey|10/12/1990
6. Steven|5/2/1992
7. Samuel|31/3/1993
8. Chris|19/5/1994
9. Mike|15/9/1994
10. Kendal|11/12/1994
11. Jenny|2/3/1995
12. Katie|14/5/1996
13. Mathew|13/6/1996
14. Peter|7/7/1998
15. Emma|4/8/2000
16. ] (delimiter is |);
17. AgeTable:
18. Load *,
19. age(’20/08/2015′, DateOfBirth) As Age
20. Resident Employees;
21. Drop table Employees;

This will end in three new fields, Member, DateOfBirth and Age which if you see during a table will appear as if this were all the ages are generated by the age() function which we utilized in the script above.

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Member DateOfBirth Age

John 28/03/1989 26
Kacey 10/12/1990 24
Steven 5/2/1992 23
Samuel 31/3/1993 22
Chris 19/5/1994 21
Mike 15/9/1994 20
Kendal 11/12/1994 20
Jenny 2/3/1995 20
Katie 14/5/1996 19
Mathew 13/6/1996 19
Peter 7/7/1998 17
Emma 4/8/2000 15

ii. networkdays() function

The networkdays() function returns the entire working days i.e. Monday to Friday excluding Saturday. Sunday and any holidays are laid out in the function expression.

Let’s discuss Qlik Sense Financial Functions

The syntax of Qlik Sense networkdays function:

1. networkdays(start_date, end_date [, holiday])

Where start and end date specify the period of time that you would like to calculate internet working days. If you would like to specify any holidays, you’ll do so by specifying the vacation dates within the expression like ’25/12/2013′, ’26/12/2013′, ’31/12/2013′, ’01/01/2014′ which are separated by commas.
For example,

1. networkdays (’19/12/2013′, ’07/01/2014′, ’25/12/2013′, ’26/12/2013′)

This returns 12 because the net working days. it’s so calculated that the vacations 25/12/2013 to 26/12/2013 are taken under consideration .

iii. firstworkdate() function

This function returns the primary work date (i.e. start date) given the top date of labor and net working dates are mentioned within the function as parameters. It also considers any holidays while evaluating the expression, if mentioned. It returns the values as integer.

The syntax for firstworkdate function:

1. firstworkdate(end_date, no_of_workdays {, holiday})

For example,

firstworkdate (’29/12/2017′, 10) will return 16/12/2017 because the first work date.

If you specify the vacations also , it’ll be like,
firstworkdate (’29/12/2017′, 9, ’25/12/2017′, ’26/12/2017′) will return 15/12/2017 because the first work date where the dates 25/12/2017 and 26/12/2017 are holidays.

iv. lastworkdate() function

Contrary to the firstworkdate() function, the lastworkdate() returns the last date of labor i.e. the top date of a period of time supported internet working days. This function returns values in dual data type.

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The syntax of Qlik Sense lastworkdate function:

1. lastworkdate(start_date, no_of_workdays {, holiday})

For example,
lastworkdate (’19/12/2017′, 9) expression will return 31/12/2017 because the last work date. Where, the date 19/12/2017 is that the start date and 9 is that the number of labor days after which we would like to understand the top date or last work date. you furthermore may specify holidays within the expression separating the dates by comma if quite one.

v. daynumberofyear() function

This function returns the day number from three hundred and sixty six days during a year supported the present date, timestamp or a date that’s laid out in the function. you’ll also make the function calculate the day nth day from a specific month’s start (i.e. 1st of that month) by specifying that month in numbers within the function. This function returns the worth with integer because the data type.

The syntax of Qlik Sense day numbering functions:

1. DayNumberOfYear(timestamp[,start_month])
For example,
DayNumberOfYear(’12/09/2017′) returns 256 which the amount of day this date falls on from the first of January 2017.

If you specify a month, then the result are going to be ,
DayNumberOfYear(’12/09/2017′,3) returns 196 because the number of the day encountered ranging from 1st of March.

vi. daynumberofquarter() function

As the 12 months during a year are often divided into three quarters, this function returns the amount of the day a specific date is falling on within the quarter during which it resides.
The syntax of Qlik Sense Day Numbering Functions:

1. DayNumberOfQuarter(timestamp[,start_month])

Where timestamp is that the date you would like to understand the day number within the quarter of and start_month is that the number of month you would like to line because the starting month for this evaluation. This function always returns an integer value.

You must read Qlik Sense Mathematical Functions
For example,

1. DayNumberOfQuarter(’12/09/2017′)

This will return 74 because the day number of the present quarter.
1. DayNumberOfQuarter(’12/09/2014′,3)
This returns 12 because the day number of the present quarter. The quarter will start from the 3rd month that’s , the month of March.

Qlik Sense Aggr() Chart Function

The aggr() function may be a chart function which performs advanced aggregation i.e. aggregation within a function. It returns an array of values as a results of aggregation.

You must examine Qlik Sense Line Chart

1. Aggr({SetExpression}[DISTINCT][NODISTINCT]expr,StructuredParameter{, StructuredParameter})
Where, expr is that the expression having the aggr() function.

The StructuredParameter is that the name of the dimension or measure from which the values are going to be taken and sorted. We mention it within the expression as, (Dimension(Sort-type, Ordering)).
The SetExpression parameter sets the set of records upon which the aggregation should be applied. If you are doing not mention any such set expression value, then the function applies aggregation on the set of possible records as per the selections made.

DISTINCT will return one result for every value upon which aggregation is applied.

NODISTINCT will return an array of values as a result for every value upon which aggregation is applied.

For example,
1. ProductData:
2. LOAD * inline [
3. Customer|Product|UnitSales|UnitPrice
4. Arman|AA|4|16
5. Arman|AA|10|15
6. Arman|BB|9|9
7. Himesh|BB|5|10
8. Himesh|CC|2|20
9. Himesh|DD|25|25
10. Parth|AA|8|15
11. Parth|CC||19
12. ] (delimiter is ‘|’);

The expression, Avg(Aggr(Sum(UnitSales*UnitPrice), Customer)) will return three values each because the sum of sales for every customer (Arman, Himesh, Parth) i.e. 295, 715, and 120 after applying the Aggr() function on the individual values. Upon this results of three values, Avg() function is applied which returns the typical of the three values, 376.6667.

So, this brings us to the end of blog. This Tecklearn ‘Qlik Sense In Function’ blog helps you with commonly asked questions if you are looking out for a job in Qlik Sense BI. If you wish to learn Qlik Sense and build a career in Business Intelligence domain, then check out our interactive, Qlik Sense Certification Training, that comes with 24*7 support to guide you throughout your learning period. Please find the link for course details:

Qlik Sense Certification Training

Qlik Sense Certification Training

About the Course

Qlik Sense is a revolutionary Business Analytics tool to come from the Qlik stables. It provides powerful self-service analytics that are readily deployable through interactive and personalized dashboards, data visualization techniques and insightful reports. By the end of this Qlik Sense online training, you will be able to perform key skills of the self-service BI tool – Qlik Sense, such as self-service analytics, write data load scripts, data discovery, create dashboards, develop and share apps, create reports, and design and build data visualizations. All these skills will enable you to clear the Qlik Sense certification exam.

Why should you take Qlik Sense Training?

• The average annual pay for a Qlik Sense Professional is $101,871. -Indeed.com.
• HSBC, Alstom, Chrysler, Citibank, Accenture and many other MNC’s worldwide use Qlik Sense BI and it has a market share of around 5% globally.
• By the end of 2020, the market is expected to touch USD 22.8 billion as modern BI and analytics continue to expand more rapidly, Gartner said in a report.

What you will Learn in this Course?

Introduction and Installation of Qlik Sense

• Need for self-service Business Intelligence/Business Analytics
• Installation of Qlik Sense and Qlik Sense Desktop

Qlik Sense Features

• Qlik Data indexing engine
• Data dimensions relationships
• Types of Data Loading
• Types of Concatenation

Data Modelling

• Qlik Sense data architecture
• Understanding QVD layer
• Converting QlikView files to Qlik Sense files
• Incremental Load
• Scripting
• Create Master Calendar

Advance Data Modelling

• Qualify and unqualify
• Joins
• Keep
• Cross Table
• Let Vs Set
• Calendar Table Creation

Qlik Sense Enterprise

• Various Functions
• Create QVD Files
• Read Data for QVD Files
• Create QVD’s
• Create Tier 2 Qlik Sense App

Data Visualization

• Expressions
• Variables
• Extensions
• Data Visualization

Set Analysis

• Set analysis in Qlik Sense
• Use set expression like identifiers, operators, modifiers and comparative analysis

Advance Set Analysis

• Deploy comparison sets and perform point-in-time analysis

Qlik Sense Storytelling

• Storytelling feature of Qlik Sense
• Create a story and playback the story

Qlik Sense Visualization

• Qlik Sense Charts
• Advanced Charts
• Creating Dashboards
• Real Life Examples


• Security aspects of Qlik Sense
• Security rules

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