Qlik Sense Conditional Functions

Last updated on Nov 16 2021
Darayus Lamba

Table of Contents

Qlik Sense Conditional Functions

i. alt Function in Qlik Sense

The alt() function evaluates a condition for several (alternate) parameters one by one and if the condition matches none of the parameters or expressions then the last ‘else’ value is returned. There may any number of other parameters that we will add within the function’s expressions.
The syntax for alt function in Qlik Sense

1. alt(expr1[ , expr2 , expr3 , ...] , else)

Here, the expr1 are going to be the primary expression to be evaluated, then of the condition for this expression returns false then the second expression, expr2 is evaluated for the given condition. This continues until the logic finds the expression match for the condition or that the condition evaluates to be True. If none of the given parameters or expression matches the condition, then the expression/value for ‘else’ is returned.
For example,

alt( date#( dat , ‘YYYY/MM/DD’ ),
date#( dat , ‘MM/DD/YYYY’ ),
date#( dat , ‘MM/DD/YY’ ),
‘No valid date’ )

This expression has three parameters or possible expressions for the date format. If an entered data’s format matches any of the three formats the condition are going to be come True and therefore the respective date will be displayed within the proper format. it’ll return a dual format value having both text and numeric interpretations to of the date. But if the entered date or value doesn’t match these three date formats then ‘No valid date’ note are going to be returned which is that the ‘else’ statement.

ii. class Function in Qlik Sense

The class() function makes classes for data values or to place it in differently , it classifies and sorts the values entered by the users into certain classes defined by this function. This function takes a variable value evaluates it for the interval condition specified for that variable and puts it therein category or class. allow us to say that there’s a variable ‘Percentage’ and if the share = 74 then using the category function you’ll put this into a variety or class of 70 to 80.
The syntax for Qlik Sense class Function

1. class(expression, interval [ , label [ , offset ]])

This gives the end in a
Where expression is that the variable or parameter that you simply define.
Interval is that the range that defines the minimum and maximum values of a category , i.e. if you set the interval to be 10 then for each variable value the range are going to be set for 10 values like 30 to 40 for 34, if you set it 5 then 30 to 35 for variable 34 etc.
The label gives the variable which is usually represented as x a reputation . Like if x is representing the age of an individual then you’ll set the label as ‘age’.
An offset may be a number which will be used as an offset or deviation from the default start line of the classification. The default start line is generally set at 0. you’ll specify the worth by what proportion you would like to form an offset from the default value like 5,10 etc.
For example,
We have an inventory of individuals with their ages. we would like to classify these people supported their age groups, that we’ll use the class() function.

1. LOAD *,
2. class(Age, 10, 'age') As Agegroup;
4. [ Age, Name
5. 25, John
6. 42, Suzen
7. 53, Mark];

Now, this function will return,

Name Age Age group
John 25 20<= age <30
Suzen 42 40<= age <50
Mark 53 50<= age <60

Where age is that the label and every person is assessed into age groups as defined within the class() function. The expression was Age, the interval was 10 and label was age.

iii. If Function in Qlik Sense

The if() function evaluates an expression supported certain condition. If the expression evaluates to be True for that condition, then the ‘then’ value is return. But if it evaluates to be False then ‘else’ value is returned.
The syntax for If Function in Qlik Sense
1. if(condition , then , else)
The condition is that the expression which can be evaluated within the logic provided here. Then defines what’s to be returned if the condition is true, whereas, else defines what is going to return if the condition is fake .
For example,
If( Batterypercent>=15, ‘Charged’, ‘BatteryLow’)
This statement means if the battery percent is bigger than or adequate to 15 then return ‘Charged’ but if it’s but 15 i.e. if the condition is fake , then return ‘BatteryLow’.

iv. match Function in Qlik Sense

Match function is employed to hold out a case sensitive match. It matches the primary expression with the subsequent expressions and returns the amount of expression or value that it matches. you’ll add n number of expressions from which you would like to match the primary expression.
The syntax for match function in Qlik Sense

1. match( str, expr1 [ , expr2,...exprN ])
For example,
match( M, ‘Jan’,’Feb’,’Mar’,’Apr’)

This will return 3 if M= Mar because Mar is that the third value. And, it’ll return 0 is M was equals to May which isn’t within the search result options.

v. mixmatch Function in Qlik Sense

This function performs an equivalent operation because the match() function but it’s case insensitive i.e. the case of the worth or string you’re checking out won’t matter. If A= Apple or apple the logic will search it.
The syntax for Qlik Sense mixmatch function:

1. mixmatch( str, expr1 [ , expr2,...exprN ])
For example,
if fav= Mango then the expression given below,
mixmatch (fav, ‘mango’, ‘apple’, ‘peach’, ‘strawberry’)

Will return the worth 1 because it matches the worth on the primary number or position.

vi. Wildmatch Function in Qlik Sense

Wildmatch function is additionally a worth matching function like match() and mixmatch() but it uses wildcards (* ?) and is case insensitive in searching. the primary expression that we search should match with the subsequent possible search result expressions. If the primary expression matches any of the subsequent expressions, then the numeric value of their position within the list is returned.
The syntax for Qlik Sense Wildmatch Function:

1. wildmatch( str, expr1 [ , expr2,...exprN ])
For example,
wildmatch( M, ‘ja*’,’fe?’,’mar’)

It will return 1 of M= January and can also return 2 if M=Feb/Fex/Fen or anything.

vii. pick Function in Qlik Sense

The pick() function picks a selected value from a specific location within the list of expressions. This function selects and returns the expression present on the nth position.
The syntax for Qlik Sense pick Function:

1. pick(n, expr1[ , expr2,...exprN])
Where n is an integer between 1 and n.
For example,
pick( 2, ‘Sam’,’Jones’, ‘Nick’, ‘Joe’ )

This will return the second value i.e. Jones due to n=2.

So, this brings us to the end of blog. This Tecklearn ‘Qlik Sense Conditional Functions’ blog helps you with commonly asked questions if you are looking out for a job in Qlik Sense BI. If you wish to learn Qlik Sense and build a career in Business Intelligence domain, then check out our interactive, Qlik Sense Certification Training, that comes with 24*7 support to guide you throughout your learning period. Please find the link for course details:


Qlik Sense Certification Training

About the Course

Qlik Sense is a revolutionary Business Analytics tool to come from the Qlik stables. It provides powerful self-service analytics that are readily deployable through interactive and personalized dashboards, data visualization techniques and insightful reports. By the end of this Qlik Sense online training, you will be able to perform key skills of the self-service BI tool – Qlik Sense, such as self-service analytics, write data load scripts, data discovery, create dashboards, develop and share apps, create reports, and design and build data visualizations. All these skills will enable you to clear the Qlik Sense certification exam.

Why should you take Qlik Sense Training?

  • The average annual pay for a Qlik Sense Professional is $101,871. -Indeed.com.
  • HSBC, Alstom, Chrysler, Citibank, Accenture and many other MNC’s worldwide use Qlik Sense BI and it has a market share of around 5% globally.
  • By the end of 2020, the market is expected to touch USD 22.8 billion as modern BI and analytics continue to expand more rapidly, Gartner said in a report.

What you will Learn in this Course?

Introduction and Installation of Qlik Sense

  • Need for self-service Business Intelligence/Business Analytics
  • Installation of Qlik Sense and Qlik Sense Desktop

Qlik Sense Features

  • Qlik Data indexing engine
  • Data dimensions relationships
  • Types of Data Loading
  • Types of Concatenation

Data Modelling

  • Qlik Sense data architecture
  • Understanding QVD layer
  • Converting QlikView files to Qlik Sense files
  • Incremental Load
  • Scripting
  • Create Master Calendar

Advance Data Modelling

  • Qualify and unqualify
  • Joins
  • Keep
  • Cross Table
  • Let Vs Set
  • Calendar Table Creation

Qlik Sense Enterprise

  • Various Functions
  • Create QVD Files
  • Read Data for QVD Files
  • Create QVD’s
  • Create Tier 2 Qlik Sense App

Data Visualization

  • Expressions
  • Variables
  • Extensions
  • Data Visualization

Set Analysis

  • Set analysis in Qlik Sense
  • Use set expression like identifiers, operators, modifiers and comparative analysis

Advance Set Analysis

  • Deploy comparison sets and perform point-in-time analysis

Qlik Sense Storytelling

  • Storytelling feature of Qlik Sense
  • Create a story and playback the story

Qlik Sense Visualization

  • Qlik Sense Charts
  • Advanced Charts
  • Creating Dashboards
  • Real Life Examples


  • Security aspects of Qlik Sense
  • Security rules

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