Overview of important class in Cassandra and introduction of Cassandra query shell language

Last updated on May 30 2022
Lalit Kolgaonkar

Table of Contents

Overview of important class in Cassandra and introduction of Cassandra query shell language

Cassandra – Referenced Api

This blog covers all the important classes in Cassandra.


This class is the main entry point of the driver. It belongs to com.datastax.driver.core package.


S. No. Methods and Description
1 Session connect()

It creates a new session on the current cluster and initializes it.

2 void close()

It is used to close the cluster instance.

3 static Cluster.Builder builder()

It is used to create a new Cluster.Builder instance.


This class is used to instantiate the Cluster.Builder class.


S. No Methods and Description
1 Cluster.Builder addContactPoint(String address)

This method adds a contact point to cluster.

2 Cluster build()

This method builds the cluster with the given contact points.


This interface holds the connections to Cassandra cluster. Using this interface, you can execute CQL queries. It belongs to com.datastax.driver.core package.


S. No. Methods and Description
1 void close()

This method is used to close the current session instance.

2 ResultSet execute(Statement statement)

This method is used to execute a query. It requires a statement object.

3 ResultSet execute(String query)

This method is used to execute a query. It requires a query in the form of a String object.

4 PreparedStatement prepare(RegularStatement statement)

This method prepares the provided query. The query is to be provided in the form of a Statement.

5 PreparedStatement prepare(String query)

This method prepares the provided query. The query is to be provided in the form of a String.



Cassandra – Cqlsh

This blog introduces the Cassandra query language shell and explains how to use its commands.

By default, Cassandra provides a prompt Cassandra query language shell (cqlsh) that allows users to communicate with it. Using this shell, you can execute Cassandra Query Language (CQL).

Using cqlsh, you can

  • define a schema,
  • insert data, and
  • execute a query.

Starting cqlsh

Start cqlsh using the command cqlsh as shown below. It gives the Cassandra cqlsh prompt as output.

[hadoop@linux bin]$ cqlsh

Connected to Test Cluster at

[cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 2.1.2 | CQL spec 3.2.0 | Native protocol v3]

Use HELP for help.


Cqlsh − As discussed above, this command is used to start the cqlsh prompt. In addition, it supports a few more options as well. The following table explains all the options of cqlsh and their usage.

Options Usage
cqlsh –help Shows help topics about the options of cqlsh commands.
cqlsh –version Provides the version of the cqlsh you are using.
cqlsh –color Directs the shell to use colored output.
cqlsh –debug Shows additional debugging information.
cqlsh –execute


Directs the shell to accept and execute a CQL command.
cqlsh –file= “file name” If you use this option, Cassandra executes the command in the given file and exits.
cqlsh –no-color Directs Cassandra not to use colored output.
cqlsh -u “user name” Using this option, you can authenticate a user. The default user name is: cassandra.
cqlsh-p “pass word” Using this option, you can authenticate a user with a password. The default password is: cassandra.

Cqlsh Commands

Cqlsh has a few commands that allow users to interact with it. The commands are listed below.

Documented Shell Commands

Given below are the Cqlsh documented shell commands. These are the commands used to perform tasks such as displaying help topics, exit from cqlsh, describe,etc.

  • HELP − Displays help topics for all cqlsh commands.
  • CAPTURE − Captures the output of a command and adds it to a file.
  • CONSISTENCY − Shows the current consistency level, or sets a new consistency level.
  • COPY − Copies data to and from Cassandra.
  • DESCRIBE − Describes the current cluster of Cassandra and its objects.
  • EXPAND − Expands the output of a query vertically.
  • EXIT − Using this command, you can terminate cqlsh.
  • PAGING − Enables or disables query paging.
  • SHOW − Displays the details of current cqlsh session such as Cassandra version, host, or data type assumptions.
  • SOURCE − Executes a file that contains CQL statements.
  • TRACING − Enables or disables request tracing.

CQL Data Definition Commands

  • CREATE KEYSPACE − Creates a KeySpace in Cassandra.
  • USE − Connects to a created KeySpace.
  • ALTER KEYSPACE − Changes the properties of a KeySpace.
  • DROP KEYSPACE − Removes a KeySpace
  • CREATE TABLE − Creates a table in a KeySpace.
  • ALTER TABLE − Modifies the column properties of a table.
  • DROP TABLE − Removes a table.
  • TRUNCATE − Removes all the data from a table.
  • CREATE INDEX − Defines a new index on a single column of a table.
  • DROP INDEX − Deletes a named index.

CQL Data Manipulation Commands

  • INSERT − Adds columns for a row in a table.
  • UPDATE − Updates a column of a row.
  • DELETE − Deletes data from a table.
  • BATCH − Executes multiple DML statements at once.

CQL Clauses

  • SELECT − This clause reads data from a table
  • WHERE − The where clause is used along with select to read a specific data.
  • ORDERBY − The orderby clause is used along with select to read a specific data in a specific order.

So, this brings us to the end of blog. This Tecklearn ‘Overview of important class in Cassandra and introduction of Cassandra Query shell Language’ helps you with commonly asked questions if you are looking out for a job in Cassandra and No-SQL Database Domain.

If you wish to learn HBase and build a career in Cassandra or No-SQL Database domain, then check out our interactive, Apache Cassandra Training, that comes with 24*7 support to guide you throughout your learning period. Please find the link for course details:


Apache Cassandra Training

About the Course

Take your career to the next level as a certified Apache Cassandra developer by acquiring all the skills through our hands-on training sessions. Tecklearn’s Apache Cassandra Certification Training is designed by professionals as per the industry requirements and demands. This Cassandra Certification Training helps you to master the concepts of Apache Cassandra including Cassandra Architecture, its features, Cassandra Data Model, and its Administration. Our Cassandra certification training course lets you master the high availability NoSQL distributed database.

Why Should you take Apache Cassandra Training?

  • The average salary of a Software Engineer with Apache Cassandra skill is $120,500 per year. – Payscale.com
  • Cassandra is in use at Constant Contact, CERN, Comcast, eBay, GitHub, GoDaddy, Hulu, Instagram, Intuit, Netflix, Reddit, The Weather Channel, and over 1500 more companies that have large, active data sets.
  • Apache Cassandra is one of the most widely used NoSQL database. It offers features such as Fault Tolerance, Scalability, Flexible Data Storage and its efficient writes, which makes it the perfect database for various purposes.

What you will Learn in this Course?

Introduction to Big Data, and Cassandra

  • What is Big Data
  • Limitations of RDBMS
  • NoSQL and it’s Characteristics
  • CAP Theorem
  • Basic concepts of Cassandra
  • Features of Cassandra

Cassandra Data model, Installation and setup

  • Installation of Cassandra
  • Key concepts and deployment of non-relational database, column-oriented database, Data Model – column, column family

Cassandra Architecture

  • Explain the Architecture of Cassandra
  • Different Layers of Cassandra Architecture
  • Partitioning and Snitches
  • Explain Vnodes and How Read and Write Path works
  • Understand Compaction, Anti-Entropy and Tombstone
  • Describe Repairs in Cassandra

Deep Dive into Cassandra Database

  • Describe Different Data Types Used in Cassandra
  • Explain Collection Types
  • Describe What are CRUD Operations
  • Implement Insert, Select, Update and D        elete of various elements
  • Implement Various Functions Used in Cassandra
  • Describe Importance of Roles and Indexing

Backup & Restore and Performance Tuning

  • Learn backup and restore functionality and its importance
  • Create a snapshot using Nodetool utility
  • Restore a snapshot
  • Understand how to choose the right balance of the following resources: memory, CPU, disks, number of nodes, and network.
  • Understand all the logs created by Cassandra
  • Explain the purpose of different log files
  • Configure the log files
  • Learn about Performance Tuning
  • Integration with Spark and Kafka

Advance Modelling

  • Rules of Cassandra data modelling
  • Modelling data around queries
  • Creating table for data queries

Deploying the IDE for Cassandra applications

  • Learning key drivers
  • Deploying the IDE for Cassandra applications and cluster connection
  • Data query implementation

Cassandra Administration

  • Understanding Node Tool Utility
  • Cluster management using Command Line Interface
  • Management and Monitoring using DataStax Ops Center

Cassandra API and Summarization

  • Cassandra client connectivity
  • Connection pool internals
  • Cassandra API
  • Features and concepts of Hector client
  • Thrift, JAVA code and Summarization

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