Online Marketing – Web Analytics

Last updated on May 28 2022
Meetesh Sahu

Table of Contents

Online Marketing – Web Analytics

“Marketing without data is like driving together with your eyes closed.”
− Dan Zarella, Social Media Scientist at HubSpot.
A business needs it to gather the info about ongoing activities, results, and effects of policies and methods, etc., when it involves online marketing. Web analytics involves help to try to this.
Web analytics is employed to work out the performance of investments assigned in terms of online advertises, customers, and business profitability. Web analytics plays a crucial role in calculating ROI of your business.

What are Web Analytics?

Web Analytics or Online Analytics refers to the analysis of quantifiable and measureable data of your website with the aim of understanding and optimizing the online usage.
Web analytics focuses on various issues. for instance,
• Detailed comparison of visitor data, and Affiliate or referral data.
• Website navigation patterns.
• The amount of traffic your website received over a specified period of your time.
• Search engine data.
Web analytics improves online experience for your customers and elevates your business prospects. There are various Web Analytics tools available within the market. for instance, Google Analytics, Kiss metrics, Optimizely, etc.

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Types of Web Analytics

There are two sorts of web analytics −
On-site − It measures the users’ behaviour once it’s on the web site . for instance , measurement of your website performance.
Off-site − it’s the measurement and analysis regardless of whether you own or maintain an internet site . for instance , measurement of visibility, comments, potential audience, etc.

Metrics of Web Analytics

There are three basic metrics of web analytics −
It is most elementary metric of measurement. it’s represented as an entire number or a fraction. for instance ,
• Number of tourists = 12999, Number of likes = 3060, etc.
• Total sales of merchandise = $54,396.18.
It is typically a count divided by another count. for instance , Page views per visit.
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
It depends upon the business type and strategy. KPI varies from one business to a different .
Micro and macro–Level Data Insights
Google Analytics gives you more insight data accurately. you’ll understand the info at two levels micro level and macro level.
Micro Level Analysis
It pertains to a private or a little group of people. for instance, number of times application submitted, number of times print this page was clicked, etc.
Macro Level Analysis
It is concerned with the first business objectives with huge groups of individuals like communities, nation, etc. for instance, number of conversions during a particular demographic.
Web Analysis – What to Measure?
These are the few measurements conducted in web analytics −
Engagement Rate
It shows how long an individual stays on your website. What all pages he surf. to form your sites more engaging, include informative content, visuals, fonts and bullets.
Bounce Rate
If an individual leaves your website within a span of 30 sec, it’s considered as a bounce. the speed at which users spin back is named the bounce rate.
To minimize bounce rate include related posts, clear call-to-action and backlinks in your webpages.
Dashboard is single page view of data important to user. you’ll create your own dashboards keeping in mind your requirements. you’ll keep only frequently viewed data on dashboard.
Event Tracking
Event tracking allows you to trace other activities on your website. for instance, you’ll track downloads and sign-ups through event tracking.
Traffic Source
You can overview traffic sources. you’ll even filter it further. deciding the key areas can assist you study the world of improvement.
It allows you to look at a traffic report for hobby. you’ll click on graph and sort in to save lots of it for future study.
Visitor Flow
It gives you a transparent picture of pages visited and therefore the sequence of an equivalent . Understanding users’ path may assist you in re-navigation so as to offer customer a hassle-free navigation.
It gives you insight about website’s content section. you’ll see how each page is doing, website loading speed, etc.
Analytics allows you to track goals and path wont to achieve these goals. you’ll get details regarding, product performances, purchase amount, and mode of billing.
Web Analytics provide you with quite this. All you would like is to research things minutely and keep patience.
Page Load Time
More is that the load time, the more is bounce rate. Tracking page load time is equally important.
Behavior allows you to know page views and time spent on website. you’ll determine how customer behaves once he’s on your website.
So, this brings us to the end of blog. This Tecklearn ‘Online Marketing – Web Analytics’ blog helps you with commonly asked questions if you are looking out for a job in SEO and Digital Marketing. If you wish to learn SEO and build a career in Digital Marketing and SEO domain, then check out our interactive, SEM and Digital Marketing Training, that comes with 24*7 support to guide you throughout your learning period. Please find the link for course details:


SEM and Digital Marketing Training

About the Course

Tecklearn’s Search Engine Marketing involves promoting your brand’s presence through paid advertising via search engines. This Search Engine Marketing certification training course includes detailed study of PPC, Google AdWords, building paid advertising campaigns, tracking, optimizing and remarketing. You will gain hands-on experience through live projects to understand the requirements of the industry.

Why Should you take SEM and Digital Marketing Training?

• Digital Marketing Industry Worth $62 Billion – The Wall Street Journal
• Demand for digital marketing professionals will rise by 38% every year –
• One of the hottest skill in the market – Inc Magazine

What you will Learn in this Course?

Introduction to Search Engine Marketing
• Importance of search engine marketing
• Benefits of online advertising Versus other forms of advertising
• Advertising on search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and networks & websites
Building a Sustainable Social Media Strategy
• Social Media Challenges
• Strategy Building
• Creating a Campaign
• Planning and Benefiting from Strategy
Keywords Research
• Introduction to keywords
• Choosing the right keywords based on the business angle and what customers search on search engine
• Various types of keyword match and the significance of each keyword match type
Google Analytics – An Overview
• Basics of google analytics
• Importance of various dimensions and metrics and how they can impact your website
• Deep dive into how to setup your account and grant the permissions to other users
• Creating PPC ad campaigns
Google Analytics – KPIs & Tools Integration
• Working with the various metrics in Google ad campaigns
• Monitoring the right metrics
• Measuring the performance of ads
• Concept of Conversion Tracking and ways to set up Conversion Tracking
• Track Code in website and Verifying Conversion statistics
Google Analytics – Audience Reports & Analysis
Google Analytics – Behaviour Analysis
Google AdWords Express
• Overview of Google AdWords Express
• How it is different from Google AdWords
• Features and Benefits of AdWords Express
• Getting the right performance of ads
Reporting in PPC
Extracting reports with Google AdWords, KPI’s, reporting segments, and other useful reports in Google AdWords.
Introduction to remarketing
Introduction to remarketing, remarketing campaign setup, remarketing List Creation, creating advanced level Lists
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