How to use Table Browser and Derived Tables in SAP Universal Designer

Last updated on Sep 24 2022
Sankar Rao

Table of Contents

How to use Table Browser and Derived Tables in SAP Universal Designer

When you want to create schema using table browser, you can see existing view of tables and columns in target database. Using table browser, you can select tables in your database to add to schema. To view columns, you can click on expand button.

Table browser is not visible by default and you need to activate table browser using any of the options given below −

Select Insert → Tables as given in the following image –

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Alternately, you can click on empty space in structure pane as shown below −

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Or Click the Table Browser button. The “Table Browser” window appears in the “Structure” pane. Then, you can insert tables from table browser to Structure pane using any of the below methods −

Click a table and click the Insert button.

Or Right-click on a table and select Insert from the contextual menu

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Double-click a table.


Click a table and drag it into the “Structure” pane and table appears in the “Structure” pane.

Inserting Multiple Tables

There are many ways to insert multiple tables. First is to hold down CTRL key while you click individual tables.

Second method is that you can also hold down SHIFT key while you click the first table and last table in a continuous block of tables and this will select multiple tables.

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To view data from table browser, you can select View Table Values from the contextual menu.

Third way is to select View Column Values from the contextual menu.

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This will open box listing the data contained in the table or column −

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Arranging Tables in the Structure Pane

You can also automatically arrange tables in structure pane. Navigate to View → Arrange Tables

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Once you select Arrange tables, this will organize tables in order as shown below −

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SAP Universe Designer – Using Derived Tables

Using Derived table, you can limit the data returned from a table in Universe. Derived table are created based on SQL query at Universe level and can be used as logical table while creating Universe.

Following are the advantages of using Derived table in the Universe −

  • Derived tables can be used to perform complex calculations
  • They are used to reduce maintenance of database summary fields. Instead of using aggregate tables in Universe, you can use derived tables to return same data.

Adding a Derived Table to Universe

To add a derived table to Universe, navigate to Insert → Derived Tables.

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This will open Derived table dialog box. You need to enter Derived table name and SQL query to select data in derived table. You can also make use of tables and columns along with Operators and Functions to create expression for derived table.

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The derived table appears in the schema with the physical database tables and you can build the objects on derived tables.

You can click on check syntax button to validate SQL Expression.

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Editing a Derived Table

To edit a derived table, you need to right-click the table in UDT schema and select Edit Derived Table from the shortcut menu as given below

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Deleting a Derived Table

In Universe schema pane, select the derived table that you want to delete, and use delete key to delete the table.

You can also create a nested derive table which is derived from an existing derive table. To create nested derived table, you need to enter SQL expression for the nested derived table based on a derived table. You can also make use of @DerivedTable function as a reference to the derived table in your nested derived table. This function @DerivedTable(Derived_table_name) is included in the functions catalog in the Derived Tables editor.

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You can also rename a derived table, and new name is updated in all other derived tables that reference it. To rename, select Derived table and right click Rename Table.

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So, this brings us to the end of blog. This Tecklearn ‘How to use Table Browser and Derived Tables in SAP Universal Designer’ blog helps you with commonly asked questions if you are looking out for a job in SAP Business Object and SAP Domain. If you wish to learn SAP IDT and UDT and build a career in SAP domain, then check out our interactive, SAP Business Objects Certification Training, that comes with 24*7 support to guide you throughout your learning period. Please find the link for course details:

SAP Business Objects Certification Training

About the Course

Business intelligence tools and features are used by multiple companies and firm for the effective results their large flow of data. The completion of this SAP Business Objects training will be helpful in landing yourself a good paying job. With this Business Objects online training, you will gain considerable proficiency in SAP BO architecture, data warehousing, use of Information design tool, create multiple reports and the implementation of Web intelligence and Efficiency in solving the issues of data sources and Crystal dashboard design.

Why Should you take SAP Business Objects Training?

  • The Average salary of SAP Business Objects Business Intelligence Analyst is $94,000 per annum –
  • Business Objects is an enterprise reporting tool and Scalability is one of the primary reasons large corporations choose Business Objects for their BI needs.
  • Worldwide Business Intelligence and Analytics Market to grow to $22.8 billion in next 2 years – Gartner.

What you will Learn in this Course?

Introduction to Business Objects

  • History and Version of Business Object
  • How Business Objects works in SAP family
  • SAP BO-Business Intelligence package and tool list
  • Data warehousing concept from SAP perspective

SAP Business Object Architecture

  • SAP BO Architecture
  • Various tiers in architecture: Client, Processing, Intelligence

SAP Web Intelligence

  • Web Intelligence Overview
  • Variable in Web Intelligence environment

Using Universe Designer Tools (UDT)

  • Overview of the Universe Designer Tool
  • Working with shared, secured and personal connections
  • Understanding of the Semantic layer

SAP BO Reports

  • SAP BO Reports
  • Chart Reports, Table Reports, Sorting and aggregating of Reports
  • Various elements of Reports, graphs, text elements
  • Reports and Filters
  • Section Report
  • Break Report
  • Alerts Report
  • Scope of Analysis Panel
  • Conditional Reporting
  • Ranked Report
  • Drill Report

Advanced Formatting

  • Advanced methods of formatting in SAP BO
  • Identifying Chasm trap and resolving Chasm traps with various methodologies
  • Detection and resolving of loop

Information Design Tool (IDT) Integration

  • Introduction to SAP BO information design tool
  • Extracting data from various sources using OLAP methodologies
  • Creating of Universe with IDT
  • IDT Vs UDT
  • Working with IDT as an Integration tool

Getting started with Crystal Dashboard

  • Data visualization tool for creating interactive dashboards
  • Point-and-click Features
  • Various dashboard features and interface

Live Office

  • Live office
  • Detailed design of Crystal Dashboard

SAP BO 4.2 Features

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