How to Read HTML Pages in Python

Last updated on Dec 13 2021
Amarnath Garg

Table of Contents

How to Read HTML Pages in Python

library referred to as beautifulsoup. Using this library, we will look for the values of html tags and obtain specific data like title of the page and therefore the list of headers within the page.

Install Beautifulsoup

Use the Anaconda package manager to put in the specified package and its dependent packages.

conda install Beaustifulsoap

Reading the HTML file

In the below example we make an invitation to an url to be loaded into the python environment. Then use the html parser parameter to read the whole html file. Next, we print first few lines of the html page.

import urllib2

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# Fetch the html file

response = urllib2.urlopen('')

html_doc =

# Parse the html file

soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser')

# Format the parsed html file

strhtm = soup.prettify()

# Print the primary few characters
print (strhtm[:225])

When we execute the above code, it produces the subsequent result.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--[if IE 8]><html class="ie ie8">

So, this brings us to the end of blog. This Tecklearn ‘How to Read HTML Pages in Python’ blog helps you with commonly asked questions if you are looking out for a job in Python Programming. If you wish to learn Python and build a career in Data Science domain, then check out our interactive, Python with Data Science Training, that comes with 24*7 support to guide you throughout your learning period. Please find the link for course details:

Python with Data Science Training

About the Course

Python with Data Science training lets you master the concepts of the widely used and powerful programming language, Python. This Python Course will also help you master important Python programming concepts such as data operations, file operations, object-oriented programming and various Python libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib which are essential for Data Science. You will work on real-world projects in the domain of Python and apply it for various domains of Big Data, Data Science and Machine Learning.

Why Should you take Python with Data Science Training?

  • Python is the preferred language for new technologies such as Data Science and Machine Learning.
  • Average salary of Python Certified Developer is $123,656 per annum –
  • Python is by far the most popular language for data science. Python held 65.6% of the data science market.

What you will Learn in this Course?

Introduction to Python

  • Define Python
  • Understand the need for Programming
  • Know why to choose Python over other languages
  • Setup Python environment
  • Understand Various Python concepts – Variables, Data Types Operators, Conditional Statements and Loops
  • Illustrate String formatting
  • Understand Command Line Parameters and Flow control

Python Environment Setup and Essentials

  • Python installation
  • Windows, Mac & Linux distribution for Anaconda Python
  • Deploying Python IDE
  • Basic Python commands, data types, variables, keywords and more

Python language Basic Constructs

  • Looping in Python
  • Data Structures: List, Tuple, Dictionary, Set
  • First Python program
  • Write a Python Function (with and without parameters)
  • Create a member function and a variable
  • Tuple
  • Dictionary
  • Set and Frozen Set
  • Lambda function

OOP (Object Oriented Programming) in Python

  • Object-Oriented Concepts

Working with Modules, Handling Exceptions and File Handling

  • Standard Libraries
  • Modules Used in Python (OS, Sys, Date and Time etc.)
  • The Import statements
  • Module search path
  • Package installation ways
  • Errors and Exception Handling
  • Handling multiple exceptions

Introduction to NumPy

  • Introduction to arrays and matrices
  • Indexing of array, datatypes, broadcasting of array math
  • Standard deviation, Conditional probability
  • Correlation and covariance
  • NumPy Exercise Solution

Introduction to Pandas

  • Pandas for data analysis and machine learning
  • Pandas for data analysis and machine learning Continued
  • Time series analysis
  • Linear regression
  • Logistic Regression
  • ROC Curve
  • Neural Network Implementation
  • K Means Clustering Method

Data Visualisation

  • Matplotlib library
  • Grids, axes, plots
  • Markers, colours, fonts and styling
  • Types of plots – bar graphs, pie charts, histograms
  • Contour plots

Data Manipulation

  • Perform function manipulations on Data objects
  • Perform Concatenation, Merging and Joining on DataFrames
  • Iterate through DataFrames
  • Explore Datasets and extract insights from it

Scikit-Learn for Natural Language Processing

  • What is natural language processing, working with NLP on text data
  • Scikit-Learn for Natural Language Processing
  • The Scikit-Learn machine learning algorithms
  • Sentimental Analysis – Twitter

Introduction to Python for Hadoop

  • Deploying Python coding for MapReduce jobs on Hadoop framework.
  • Python for Apache Spark coding
  • Deploying Spark code with Python
  • Machine learning library of Spark MLlib
  • Deploying Spark MLlib for Classification, Clustering and Regression

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