How to import data and tables from MySQL to Hadoop HDFS

Last updated on May 30 2022
Swati Dogra

Table of Contents

How to import data and tables from MySQL to Hadoop HDFS

Sqoop – Import

This Blog describes how to import data from MySQL database to Hadoop HDFS. The ‘Import tool’ imports individual tables from RDBMS to HDFS. Each row in a table is treated as a record in HDFS. All records are stored as text data in the text files or as binary data in Avro and Sequence files.


The following syntax is used to import data into HDFS.

$ sqoop import (generic-args) (import-args)

$ sqoop-import (generic-args) (import-args)


Let us take an example of three tables named as empemp_add, and emp_contact, which are in a database called userdb in a MySQL database server.

The three tables and their data are as follows.


id name deg salary dept
1201 gopal manager 50,000 TP
1202 manisha Proof reader 50,000 TP
1203 khalil php dev 30,000 AC
1204 prasanth php dev 30,000 AC
1204 kranthi admin 20,000 TP


id hno street city
1201 288A vgiri jublee
1202 108I aoc sec-bad
1203 144Z pgutta hyd
1204 78B old city sec-bad
1205 720X hitec sec-bad


id phno email
1201 2356742
1202 1661663
1203 8887776
1204 9988774
1205 1231231

Importing a Table

Sqoop tool ‘import’ is used to import table data from the table to the Hadoop file system as a text file or a binary file.

The following command is used to import the emp table from MySQL database server to HDFS.

$ sqoop import \

--connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/userdb \

--username root \

--table emp --m 1

If it is executed successfully, then you get the following output.

14/12/22 15:24:54 INFO sqoop.Sqoop: Running Sqoop version: 1.4.5

14/12/22 15:24:56 INFO manager.MySQLManager: Preparing to use a MySQL streaming resultset.

14/12/22 15:24:56 INFO tool.CodeGenTool: Beginning code generation

14/12/22 15:24:58 INFO manager.SqlManager: Executing SQL statement:

   SELECT t.* FROM `emp` AS t LIMIT 1

14/12/22 15:24:58 INFO manager.SqlManager: Executing SQL statement:

   SELECT t.* FROM `emp` AS t LIMIT 1

14/12/22 15:24:58 INFO orm.CompilationManager: HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME is /usr/local/hadoop

14/12/22 15:25:11 INFO orm.CompilationManager: Writing jar file:




14/12/22 15:25:40 INFO mapreduce.Job: The url to track the job:


14/12/22 15:26:45 INFO mapreduce.Job: Job job_1419242001831_0001 running in uber mode :


14/12/22 15:26:45 INFO mapreduce.Job: map 0% reduce 0%

14/12/22 15:28:08 INFO mapreduce.Job: map 100% reduce 0%

14/12/22 15:28:16 INFO mapreduce.Job: Job job_1419242001831_0001 completed successfully



14/12/22 15:28:17 INFO mapreduce.ImportJobBase: Transferred 145 bytes in 177.5849 seconds

   (0.8165 bytes/sec)

14/12/22 15:28:17 INFO mapreduce.ImportJobBase: Retrieved 5 records.

To verify the imported data in HDFS, use the following command.

$ $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop fs -cat /emp/part-m-*

It shows you the emp table data and fields are separated with comma (,).

1201, gopal,    manager, 50000, TP

1202, manisha,  preader, 50000, TP

1203, kalil,    php dev, 30000, AC

1204, prasanth, php dev, 30000, AC

1205, kranthi,  admin,   20000, TP

Importing into Target Directory

We can specify the target directory while importing table data into HDFS using the Sqoop import tool.

Following is the syntax to specify the target directory as option to the Sqoop import command.

--target-dir <new or exist directory in HDFS>

The following command is used to import emp_add table data into ‘/queryresult’ directory.

$ sqoop import \

--connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/userdb \

--username root \

--table emp_add \

--m 1 \

--target-dir /queryresult

The following command is used to verify the imported data in /queryresult directory form emp_add table.

$ $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop fs -cat /queryresult/part-m-*

It will show you the emp_add table data with comma (,) separated fields.

1201, 288A, vgiri,   jublee

1202, 108I, aoc,     sec-bad

1203, 144Z, pgutta,  hyd

1204, 78B,  oldcity, sec-bad

1205, 720C, hitech,  sec-bad

Import Subset of Table Data

We can import a subset of a table using the ‘where’ clause in Sqoop import tool. It executes the corresponding SQL query in the respective database server and stores the result in a target directory in HDFS.

The syntax for where clause is as follows.

--where <condition>

The following command is used to import a subset of emp_add table data. The subset query is to retrieve the employee id and address, who lives in Secunderabad city.

$ sqoop import \

--connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/userdb \

--username root \

--table emp_add \

--m 1 \

--where “city =’sec-bad’” \

--target-dir /wherequery

The following command is used to verify the imported data in /wherequery directory from the emp_add table.

$ $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop fs -cat /wherequery/part-m-*

It will show you the emp_add table data with comma (,) separated fields.

1202, 108I, aoc,     sec-bad

1204, 78B,  oldcity, sec-bad

1205, 720C, hitech,  sec-bad

Incremental Import

Incremental import is a technique that imports only the newly added rows in a table. It is required to add ‘incremental’, ‘check-column’, and ‘last-value’ options to perform the incremental import.

The following syntax is used for the incremental option in Sqoop import command.

--incremental <mode>

--check-column <column name>

--last value <last check column value>

Let us assume the newly added data into emp table is as follows −

1206, satish p, grp des, 20000, GR

The following command is used to perform the incremental import in the emp table.

$ sqoop import \

--connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/userdb \

--username root \

--table emp \

--m 1 \

--incremental append \

--check-column id \

-last value 1205

The following command is used to verify the imported data from emp table to HDFS emp/ directory.

$ $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop fs -cat /emp/part-m-*

It shows you the emp table data with comma (,) separated fields.

1201, gopal,    manager, 50000, TP

1202, manisha,  preader, 50000, TP

1203, kalil,    php dev, 30000, AC

1204, prasanth, php dev, 30000, AC

1205, kranthi,  admin,   20000, TP

1206, satish p, grp des, 20000, GR

The following command is used to see the modified or newly added rows from the emp table.

$ $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop fs -cat /emp/part-m-*1

It shows you the newly added rows to the emp table with comma (,) separated fields.

1206, satish p, grp des, 20000, GR


Sqoop – Import All Tables

This blog describes how to import all the tables from the RDBMS database server to the HDFS. Each table data is stored in a separate directory and the directory name is same as the table name.


The following syntax is used to import all tables.

$ sqoop import-all-tables (generic-args) (import-args)

$ sqoop-import-all-tables (generic-args) (import-args)


Let us take an example of importing all tables from the userdb database. The list of tables that the database userdb contains is as follows.


 |      Tables        |


 |      emp           |

 |      emp_add       |

 |      emp_contact   |


The following command is used to import all the tables from the userdb database.

$ sqoop import-all-tables \

--connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/userdb \

--username root

Note − If you are using the import-all-tables, it is mandatory that every table in that database must have a primary key field.

The following command is used to verify all the table data to the userdb database in HDFS.

$ $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop fs -ls

It will show you the list of table names in userdb database as directories.


drwxr-xr-x - hadoop supergroup 0 2014-12-22 22:50 _sqoop

drwxr-xr-x - hadoop supergroup 0 2014-12-23 01:46 emp

drwxr-xr-x - hadoop supergroup 0 2014-12-23 01:50 emp_add

drwxr-xr-x - hadoop supergroup 0 2014-12-23 01:52 emp_contact


So, this brings us to the end of blog. This Tecklearn ‘How to import data and tables from MySQL to Hadoop HDFS’ helps you with commonly asked questions if you are looking out for a job in Apache Sqoop and Big Data Hadoop Developer.

If you wish to learn Sqoop and build a career in Big Data Hadoop domain, then check out our interactive, Big Data Hadoop Developer Training, that comes with 24*7 support to guide you throughout your learning period. Please find the link for course details:

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  • Amazon, Cloudera, Data Stax, DELL, EMC2, IBM, Microsoft & other MNCs worldwide use Hadoop

What you will Learn in this Course?

Introduction to Hadoop and the Hadoop Ecosystem

  • Problems with Traditional Large-scale Systems
  • Hadoop!
  • The Hadoop Ecosystem

Hadoop Architecture and HDFS

  • Distributed Processing on a Cluster
  • Storage: HDFS Architecture • Storage: Using HDFS
  • Resource Management: YARN Architecture
  • Resource Management: Working with YARN

Importing Relational Data with Apache Sqoop

  • Sqoop Overview
  • Basic Imports and Exports
  • Limiting Results
  • Improving Sqoop’s Performance
  • Sqoop 2

Introduction to Impala and Hive

  • Introduction to Impala and Hive
  • Why Use Impala and Hive?
  • Comparing Hive to Traditional Databases
  • Hive Use Cases

Modelling and Managing Data with Impala and Hive

  • Data Storage Overview
  • Creating Databases and Tables
  • Loading Data into Tables
  • HCatalog
  • Impala Metadata Caching

Data Formats

  • Selecting a File Format
  • Hadoop Tool Support for File Formats
  • Avro Schemas
  • Using Avro with Hive and Sqoop
  • Avro Schema Evolution
  • Compression

Data Partitioning

  • Partitioning Overview
  • Partitioning in Impala and Hive

Capturing Data with Apache Flume

  • What is Apache Flume?
  • Basic Flume Architecture
  • Flume Sources
  • Flume Sinks
  • Flume Channels
  • Flume Configuration

Spark Basics

  • What is Apache Spark?
  • Using the Spark Shell
  • RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets)
  • Functional Programming in Spark

Working with RDDs in Spark

  • A Closer Look at RDDs
  • Key-Value Pair RDDs
  • MapReduce
  • Other Pair RDD Operations

Writing and Deploying Spark Applications

  • Spark Applications vs. Spark Shell
  • Creating the Spark Context
  • Building a Spark Application (Scala and Java)
  • Running a Spark Application
  • The Spark Application Web UI
  • Configuring Spark Properties
  • Logging

Parallel Programming with Spark

  • Review: Spark on a Cluster
  • RDD Partitions
  • Partitioning of File-based RDDs
  • HDFS and Data Locality
  • Executing Parallel Operations
  • Stages and Tasks

Spark Caching and Persistence

  • RDD Lineage
  • Caching Overview
  • Distributed Persistence

Common Patterns in Spark Data Processing

  • Common Spark Use Cases
  • Iterative Algorithms in Spark
  • Graph Processing and Analysis
  • Machine Learning
  • Example: k-means

Preview: Spark SQL

  • Spark SQL and the SQL Context
  • Creating DataFrames
  • Transforming and Querying DataFrames
  • Saving DataFrames
  • Comparing Spark SQL with Impala


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