How to Configure Amazon Route 53

Last updated on Dec 10 2021
Padmanabham Suresh

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How to Configure Amazon Route 53

Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable Domain Name System (DNS) web service. It is designed for developers and corporates to route the end users to Internet applications by translating human readable names like, into the numeric IP addresses like that computers use to connect to each other.

Following are the steps to configure Route 53.
Step 1 − Open the Amazon Route 53 console using this link −
Step 2 − Click create hosted zone option on the top left corner of the navigation bar.

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Step 3 − A form page opens. Provide the required details such as domain name and comments, then click the Create button.

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Step 4 − Hosted zone for the domain will be created. There will be four DNS endpoints called delegation set and these endpoints must be updated in the domain names Nameserver settings.

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Step 5 − If it is then select domain’s control panel and update the Route 53 DNS endpoints. Delete the rest default values. It will take 2-3 minutes to update.
Step 6 − Go back to Route 53 console and select the go to record sets option. This will show you the list of record sets. By default, there are two record sets of type NS & SOA.

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Step 7 − To create your record set, select the create record set option. Fill the required details such as: Name, Type, Alias, TTL seconds, Value, Routing policy, etc. Click the Save record set button.
Step 8 − Create one more record set for some other region so that there are two record sets with the same domain name pointing to different IP addresses with your selected routing policy.

Once completed, the user requests will be routed based on the network policy.

Features of Route 53

  • Easy to register your domain − We can purchase all level of domains like .com, .net, .org, etc. directly from Route 53.
  • Highly reliable − Route 53 is built using AWS infrastructure. Its distributed nature towards DNS servers help to ensure a consistent ability to route applications of end users.
  • Scalable − Route 53 is designed in such a way that it automatically handles large volume queries without the user’s interaction.
  • Can be used with other AWS Services − Route 53 also works with other AWS services. It can be used to map domain names to our Amazon EC2 instances, Amazon S3 buckets, Amazon and other AWS resources.
  • Easy to use − It is easy to sign-up, easy to configure DNS settings, and provides quick response to DNS queries.
  • Health Check: Route 53 monitors the health of the application. If an outage is detected, then it automatically redirects the users to a healthy resource.
  • Cost-Effective − Pay only for the domain service and the number of queries that the service answers for each domain.
  • Secure − By integrating Route 53 with AWS (IAM), there is complete control over every user within the AWS account, such as deciding which user can access which part of Route 53.


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Tecklearn’s AWS Architect Certification Training is curated by industry professionals as per the industry requirements and demands. The entire AWS training course is in line with the AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam. You will learn various aspects of AWS like Elastic Cloud Compute, Simple Storage Service, Virtual Private Cloud, Aurora database service, Load Balancing, Auto Scaling and more by working on hands-on projects and case studies. You will master AWS architectural principles and services such as IAM, VPC, EC2, EBS and elevate your career to the cloud, and beyond with this AWS solutions architect course.

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What you will Learn in this Course?

Overview of Cloud Computing and AWS

  • What is Cloud Computing
  • Definition of Cloud Computing
  • On Premises Vs Service Models
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing
  • Cloud Computing Providers
  • Why AWS
  • What is AWS
  • AWS Benefits
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  • Traditional Vs AWS Components
  • AWS Global Infrastructure
  • AWS Availability Zone
  • AWS Edge Locations
  • How to Access the AWS Services
  • AWS architecture
  • AWS Management Console
  • AWS offerings Listing (EC2, VPC, AMI, EBS, ELB, Backup)

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

  • Overview of EC2
  • Elastic IP Vs Public IP
  • Launching of AWS EC2 instance demo
  • How to access EC2
  • EC2 Purchasing Options
  • Amazon Machine Images (AMI)
  • EC2 Storage for the Root Device
  • EC2 Creating AMI
  • EC2 Instance Types
  • Auto Scaling
  • Cost of EC2
  • Best Practices of EC2
  • EC2 Resizing
  • Placement Groups
  • Amazon Backup and various Concepts
  • EC2 Demo
  • Hands On

Networking and Monitoring Services: Amazon Virtual Public Cloud

  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and its benefits
  • Default and Non-Default VPC
  • IP Address
  • CIDR – Classless Inter-domain Routing
  • Subnet: Subnet Mask and Subnet Mask Classes
  • Private and Public Subnet
  • IPv4 v/s IPv6 – As in AWS Infrastructure
  • Internet Gateway and Route Tables
  • Security Group with VPC
  • Access Control List, NACL and Security Group
  • NAT Devices: NAT Gateway and NAT Instance
  • Flow Logs
  • VPC Peering and its working
  • VPN and Direct Connect
  • VPC Limitations
  • Need for Monitoring Services
  • AWS CloudWatch and it’s working
  • AWS Command Line Interface
  • Use Cases
  • Hands On

Amazon Storage Services: Elastic Block Storage

  • What is Storage Services
  • What is Elastic Block Storage (EBS)
  • Persistent Storage
  • EBC Features
  • EBS Benefits
  • EBS Types
  • EBS Pricing
  • EBS Life Cycle
  • EBS Snapshot
  • EBS General Purposed SSD
  • EBS Provisioned IOPS SSD
  • EBS Throughput Optimized HDD
  • EBS Cold HDD
  • EBS Comparison
  • EBS Previous Generation Volumes
  • EBS How Incremental Snapshots Work
  • EBS Deleting an Amazon EBS Snapshot
  • EBS Summary
  • Hands On

Amazon Storage Services: Simple Storage Services (S3)

  • What is Amazon AWS S3
  • Simple Storage Services (S3) Advantages
  • S3 Buckets, Objects, Keys and Endpoints
  • S3 Data Consistency Model
  • S3 Transfer Acceleration
  • S3 Storage Types
  • S3 Versioning
  • S3 Life Cycle Management
  • S3 Data Protection
  • S3 Cross-Region Replication
  • S3 Hosting a Static Website
  • Hands On

Amazon Storage Services

  • Amazon Glacier Storage
  • Amazon Storage Gateway
  • Amazon Snowball (Data Import /Export)
  • Billing with Amazon CloudWatch
  • Hands On

AWS Database Services: Relational Database Service (RDS)

  • Overview of Databases and Relational Database Service (RDS)
  • What is Amazon RDS
  • AWS RDS Components
  • AWS RDS: Interface
  • AWS RDS: Charges
  • AWS RDS Multi-AZ: Benefits
  • AWS RDS Multi-AZ: Failover Process
  • NoSQL Database: Amazon DynamoDB
  • Overview of DynamoDB
  • DynamoDB Benefits
  • Hands On

AWS Database Services Continued

  • Data Warehouse: Amazon Redshift
  • Overview of Amazon Redshift
  • Redshift Architecture
  • Amazon Redshift features
  • In Memory Cache: Amazon ElasticCache
  • Redis Vs MemCache
  • Amazon ElasticCache Cluster
  • Database Migration: AWS Database Migration Service

Load Balancing in AWS

  • What is Fault Tolerant System
  • Features of Elastic Load Balancing
  • What is AWS ELB (Elastic Load Balancer)
  • Types of Load Balancer: Classic, Application and Network
  • Classic Load Balancer: Features, Health Check Configuration, Cross-Zone, Connection Draining, Sticky Sessions, Access Logs, Limitation
  • Application Load Balancer: Features, Application Flow, Limitation
  • Network Load Balancer
  • Access Elastic Load Balancing: AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, AWS SDKs, HTTPS Query API

Amazon Route 53

  • What is Amazon Route 53
  • Domain Name Registration
  • Routing Internet Traffic to Resources
  • Automated check of the health of Resources + Data Pipeline

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) – Control user access

  • Authentication (Who can use) and Authorization (Level of Access)
  • IAM Policies – JSON Structure
  • Users, Groups and their Roles
  • AWS IAM Features
  • User Sign-in to Account
  • Switch Role
  • Role to EC2 Instance
  • Password Policy
  • How to Access AWS
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
  • Permissions and Permission Types
  • Policies Structure
  • User Based Policies
  • Resource Based Policies
  • Resource Based Permission
  • Policies Types
  • Request Flow
  • Limitations
  • Logging IAM Events with AWS CloudTail
  • Hands On

Amazon CloudWatch

  • What is Amazon CloudWatch
  • Features and Benefits
  • CloudWatch Architecture
  • Hands On

AWS Auto Scaling

  • What is AWS Auto Scaling
  • Auto Scaling Components
  • Auto Scaling Group
  • Auto Scaling Launch Configuration
  • Auto Scaling Benefits
  • Auto Scaling Lifecycle
  • Auto Scaling Plans
  • Manual Scaling
  • Schedule Scaling
  • Dynamic Scaling
  • Auto Scaling Step Adjustment
  • Auto Scaling Termination Policy
  • Default Termination Policy
  • Health Check
  • Hands On

Amazon Application Services

  • Elastic BeanStalk
  • Simple Email Services (SES)
  • Simple Queue Service (SQS)
  • Simple Notification Services (SNS)
  • AWS Lambda
  • Introduction to Elastic OpWorks
  • Hands On

About AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam

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