GE Predix Platform and Eclipse IoT

Last updated on May 30 2022
Kritika Singh

Table of Contents

GE Predix Platform and Eclipse IoT

GE (General Electric) Predix may be a software platform for data collection from industrial instruments. It provides a cloud-based PaaS (platform as a service), which enables industrial-grade analytics for operations optimization and performance management. It connects data, individuals, and equipment during a standard way.

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Predix was designed to focus on factories, and provides their ecosystems an equivalent simple and productive function as operating systems that transformed mobile phones. It began as a tool for General Electric’s internal IoT, specifically created to watch products sold.
Ge Predix Partnered with Microsoft Azure
Microsoft’s Azure may be a cloud computing platform and supporting infrastructure. It provides PaaS and IaaS, and various tools for building systems. Predix, recently made available on Azure, exploits a number of additional features like AI, advanced data visualization, and tongue technology. Microsoft plans to eventually integrate Predix with its Azure IoT suite and Cortana Intelligence suite, and also their well-established business applications. Azure also will allow users to create applications using Predix data. Note AWS and Oracle also support Predix.
Developer Kits
GE offers inexpensive developer kits consisting of general components and an Intel Edison processor module. Developers have the choices of a dual core board and a Raspberry Pi board. Developers need only provide an IP address, Ethernet connection, power supply, and lightweight programming to line data collection.
The kit automatically establishes the required connection, registers with the central Predix system, and begins transmitting environmental data from sensors. Users subscribe hardware/software output, and GE Digital owns and manages the hardware and software for the user.
This kit replaces the awkward and involved assemblies of simulations and testing environments. In other simulations, developers typically use an outsized set of software (one for every device), and specific configurations for every connection. They also program the monitoring of every device, which may sometimes take hours. The kit reduces much of the time spent performing these tasks from hours to only minutes.

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The Predix developer kit
The kit also includes software components for designing an IoT application that partners with Predix services. GE plans to release other versions of the kit for various applications.
Internet of Things – Eclipse
Eclipse IoT is an ecosystem of entities (industry and academia) working together to make a foundation for IoT based exclusively on open source technologies. Their focus remains within the areas of manufacturing open source implementations of IoT standard technology; creating open source frameworks and services for utilization in IoT solutions; and developing tools for IoT developers.

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Smarthome Project
SmartHome is one among Eclipse IoT’s major services. It aims to make a framework for building smart home solutions, and its focus remains heterogeneous environments, meaning assorted protocols and standards integration.
SmartHome provides uniform device and knowledge access to facilitate interaction between devices. It consists of OSGi bundles capable of deployment in an OSGi runtime, with OSGi services defined as extension points.
OSGi bundles are Java class groups and other resources, which also include detailed manifest files. The manifest contains information on file contents, services needed to reinforce class behavior, and therefore the nature of the mixture as a component. Review an example of a manifest below −
Bundle-Name : Hi Everyone // Bundle Name
Bundle-SymbolicName : // Header specifying an identifier
Bundle-Description : A Hi Everyone bundle // Functionality description
Bundle-ManifestVersion : 2 // OSGi specification
Bundle-Version : 1.0.0 // Version number of bundle
Bundle-Activator : // Class invoked on bundle activation
Export-Package :;version = “1.0.0” // Java packages available externally
Import-Package : org.osgi.framework;version = “1.3.0” // Java packages needed from
// external source
Eclipse SCADA
Eclipse SCADA, another major Eclipse IoT service, delivers a way of connecting various industrial instruments to a shared communication system. It also post-processes data and sends data visualizations to operators. It uses a SCADA system with a communication service, monitoring system, archive, and data visualization.

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It aims to be an entire, state-of-the-art open-source SCADA system for developing custom solutions. Its supported technologies and tools include shell applications, JDBC, Modbus TCP and RTU, Simatic S7 PLC, OPC, and SNMP.
So, this brings us to the end of blog. This Tecklearn ‘GE Predix Platform and Eclipse IoT’ blog helps you with commonly asked questions if you are looking out for a job in Internet of Things (IoT). If you wish to learn IoT and build a career in Internet of Things (IoT) domain, then check out our interactive, Internet of Things (IoT) Training, that comes with 24*7 support to guide you throughout your learning period. Please find the link for course details:

IoT (Internet of Things) Training

Internet of Things (IoT) Training

About the Course

Internet of Things or IoT, as it is widely known, simply put, is a network of devices which can communicate with each other with regards to sending, receiving and analyzing data. Tecklearn’s IoT Training as an online training platform delivers you the best in the industry IoT knowledge by certified and experienced trainers to master IoT. Interactive sessions include two real-time projects to provide in-depth understanding of advanced IoT concepts that covers IoT methods and technologies, application deployment, network and communication protocols and integrations, security measures and real-time data management on the internet. You will learn IoT introduction, significance, building your own IoT devices, sensors, IoT communication and security. This training will help you be a part of the IoT revolution underway around the globe.

Why Should you take IoT (Internet of Things) Training?

• The average salary for an IoT Engineer is $163,514 per year in the United States. (
• Many industries such as Eddie Stobart Transport and Logistics Company, the Amazon, Dell, Aviva, German Auto Manufacturer Daimler, the John Deere Company and Walt Disney Land are all utilizing the Internet of Things technology to monitor various activities and advance their existing systems.
• Gartner Says 5.8 Billion Enterprise and Automotive IoT Endpoints Will Be in Use in 2020

What you will Learn in this Course?

Introduction to Internet of Things
• What is IoT, how does it work
• IoT vs IIoT
• Business Cases of IIoT
• Industry 4.0
• Properties of IoT device
• IoT Ecosystem
• IoT Decision Framework
• IoT Solution Architecture Models
• How IoT is Transforming Businesses
• Major IoT Boards in Market
IoT Communication Protocols
• Types of wireless communication
• Major wireless Short-range communication devices and properties
• Comparison of these devices (Bluetooth, WIFI, ZigBee, 6LoWPAN)
• Major wireless Long-range communication devices and properties, Comparison of these devices (Cellular IoT, LPWAN)
IoT Architecture
• The IoT Stack Architecture and the various components and layers
• The app, the data processing and platform
• IoT OS like Contiki, FreeRTOS and mbe
• The edge and the connected thing or device
IoT Sensors and Device Platforms
• Introduction to IoT Sensors and the role they play in getting the IoT systems work efficiently
• Micro-electromechanical systems revolutionizing IoT sensors
• Use Case of Water Quality Monitoring
• Use Case: Sericulture
• Difference between microcontroller and microprocessor
• IoT Device Platforms – Arduino, Raspberry Pi etc
• Smartphone Centric Architecture
• IoT Application Layer protocols
• Hands On
Arduino Platform and Arduino Interfacing
• Arduino physical board, libraries and the Integrated Development Environment
• Arduino Shields various operations such as heat and light sensing, GPS, UI display
• Programming Arduino using C language
• Controlling external devices using pins on the Arduino board
• The Arduino Interface
• Reading inputs from various sources and providing an output
• Working with sensors for sensing and controlling the physical world
• Deploying various types of sensors and connecting it to the Arduino
• Constant conversion between analog and digital signals for information exchange between the physical and digital domains
• Hands On
Raspberry Pi Platform and Raspberry Pi Interfacing
• Introduction to Raspberry Pi
• Set up of Raspberry Pi environment
• Coding for the Raspberry Pi using Python
• Deploying Python-based Integrated Development Environment
• Interfacing the Raspberry Pi with the physical world
• Introducing the various input and output devices
• Raspberry Pi expansion boards for building complex hardware setup
• Real-time demo of Raspberry Pi interfacing
• Hands On
Arduino Uno Wifi and IoTivity
• Iotivity
• Iotivity Architecture
• Hands On
Netduino Platform and Netduino Interfacing
• Introduction to Netduino Platform
• Setting up the Netduino environment
• Coding for the Netduino
• Interfacing the Netduino with the physical world
• Introducing the various input and output devices
• Real-time demo of Netduino interfacing
• Hands On
IoT for Arduino, NodeMCU and Netduino
• Control LED light using Netduino board
• NodeMCU
• Blynk
Project: Building WSN with MQTT, Raspberry Pi & Arduino
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