Configure Security in Jenkins

Last updated on May 28 2022
Uma Kulkarni

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Configure Security in Jenkins

Jenkins – Security

In Jenkins you’ve the ability to setup users and their relevant permissions on the Jenkins instance. By default you’ll not want everyone to be able to define jobs or other administrative tasks in Jenkins. So Jenkins has the ability to have a security configuration in place.

To configure Security in Jenkins, follow the steps given below.

Step 1 − Click on Manage Jenkins and choose the ‘Configure Global Security’ option.

Configure Security in Jenkins
Configure Security in Jenkins

Step 2 − Click on Enable Security option. As an example, let’s assume that we want Jenkins to maintain it’s own database of users, so within the Security Realm, choose the option of ‘Jenkins’ own user database’.

By default, you would want a central administrator to define users within the system, hence ensure the ‘Allow users to sign up’ option is unselected. You can leave the rest as it is for now and click the Save button.

Configure Security in Jenkins
Configure Security in Jenkins

Step 3 − You’ll be prompted to add your first user. As an example, we are setting up an admin users for the system.

Configure Security in Jenkins
Configure Security in Jenkins

Step 4 − It’s now time to setup your users within the system. Now when you go to Manage Jenkins, and scroll down, you’ll see a ‘Manage Users’ option. Click this option.

Configure Security in Jenkins
Configure Security in Jenkins

Step 5 − Just like you defined your admin user, start creating other users for the system. As an example, we are just creating another user called ‘user’.

Configure Security in Jenkins
Configure Security in Jenkins

Step 6 − Now it’s time to setup your authorizations, basically who has access to what. Go to Manage Jenkins → Configure Global Security.

Now within the Authorization section, click on ‘Matrix based security’

Configure Security in Jenkins
Configure Security in Jenkins

Step 7 − If you don’t see the user within the user group list, enter the user name and add it to the list. Then give the appropriate permissions to the user.

Click on the Save button once you’ve defined the relevant authorizations.

Your Jenkins security is now setup.

Note − For Windows AD authentication, one has to add the Active Directory plugin to Jenkins.

So, this brings us to the end of blog. This Tecklearn ‘Configure Security in Jenkins’ blog helps you with commonly asked questions if you are looking out for a job in DevOps. If you wish to learn Jenkins and build a career in DevOps domain, then check out our interactive, Continuous Integration with Jenkins Training, that comes with 24*7 support to guide you throughout your learning period. Please find the link for course details:

Continuous Integration with Jenkins

Continuous Integration with Jenkins Training

About the Course

Tecklearn has specially designed this Continuous Integration with Jenkins Training Course to advance your skills for a successful career in this domain. This course helps you learn server automation, continuous integration, build and configuration tools, Jenkins master-slave architecture, different types of plugins, implementing automated testing and more through hands-on projects and exercises. Upon completion of this online training, you will hold a solid understanding and hands-on experience with Jenkins.

Why Should you take Continuous Integration with Jenkins Training?

• Average salary of Jenkins Professional is $110k ( Salary Data)
• Jenkins is an open-source automation server which enables developers around the world to reliably build, test, and deploy their software.

What you will Learn in this Course?

Introduction to DevOps

• What is Software Development
• Software Development Life Cycle
• Why DevOps?
• What is DevOps?
• DevOps Lifecycle
• DevOps Tools
• Benefits of DevOps
• How DevOps is related to Agile Delivery
• DevOps Implementation

Continuous Integration with Jenkins

• Introduction to Continuous Integration and Jenkins
• Jenkins Management
• Jenkins Master Slave Architecture
• Tools Required for CI
• Understanding CI/CD Pipelines
• Creating an end-to-end automated CI/CD Pipeline
• Jenkins Versions

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