Concept of Lightweight Resource Provider and Blueprints in Chef

Last updated on Nov 12 2021
Yogesh Ajmera

Table of Contents

Concept of Lightweight Resource Provider and Blueprints in Chef

Chef – Lightweight Resource Provider

Lightweight resource provider (LWRP) provides an option of extending the list of available resources by extending it features and allows Chef user to create custom resources.
By creating custom resources one can simply write cookbooks because one can own enriched custom resources using Chef DSL which helps in making the recipe code more expressive.
In Chef community, many of the custom resources are implemented using LWRPs. There are many working examples of LWRP such as iptables_rules and apt_repository.

Working Method

Make sure one has cookbook name Testing_resource and a run_list of node which contains Testing_resource cookbook.

Building LWRP

Step 1 − Create a custom resource in Testing_resource cookbook.
vipin@laptop:~/chef-repo $ subl cookbooks/Testing_resource/resources/default.rb
actions :create, :remove
attribute :title, kind_of: String, default: "World"
attribute :path, kind_of: String, default: "/tmp/greeting.txt"
Step 2 − Create a provider for resources in Tesing_resource cookbook.
vipin@laptop:~/chef-repo $ subl cookbooks/Testing_resource/provider/default.rb
action :create do
log "Adding '#{}' greeting as #{new_resource.
file new_resource.path do
content "#{}, #{new_resource.title}!"
action :create
action :remove do "Removing '#{}' greeting #{new_resource.path}"
file new_resource.path do
action :delete
Step 3 − Use a new resource by editing Testing_resource default recipe.
vipin@laptop:~/chef-repo $ subl cookbooks/Tesing_resource/recipes/default.rb
greeting "Ohai" do
title "Chef"
action :create
Step 4 − Upload the modified cookbook to Chef server.
vipin@laptop:~/chef-repo $ knife cookbook upload greeting
Uploading greeting [0.1.0]
Step 5 − Run Chef-Client on the node.
vipin@server:~$ sudo chef-client
2013-06-28T21:32:54+00:00] INFO: Processing greeting[Ohai] action
create (greeting::default line 9)
[2013-06-28T21:32:54+00:00] INFO: Adding 'Ohai' greeting as /tmp/
[2013-06-28T21:32:54+00:00] INFO: Processing file[/tmp/greeting.
txt] action create (/srv/chef/file_store/cookbooks/greeting/
providers/default.rb line 7)
[2013-06-28T21:32:54+00:00] INFO: entered create
[2013-06-28T21:32:54+00:00] INFO: file[/tmp/greeting.txt] created
file /tmp/greeting.txt
Step 6 − Validate the content of the generated file.
user@server:~$ cat /tmp/greeting.txt
Ohai, Chef!

Workflow Scripts

LWRPs live in cookbooks. A custom resource lives inside the cookbooks, and will be available under the cookbook name. In the workflow, first we define the definitions and then pass the attributes to the resources which is going to be used in the cookbook. Finally, we use those actions and attributes in our recipe.

Chef – Blueprints

In Chef, blueprints are the tools to find out and record exactly what is present on the server. Blueprints record all the things required such as directors, packages, configuration files, and so on. Blueprints have the capability to split server information in various formats. One of them is Chef recipe. This helps to configure unique server using Chef.

Woring Method

We need to have Python and Git installed on the node where we need to run the blueprint.
Step 1 − Install the blueprint.
vipin@server:~$ pip install blueprint
Step 2 − Create a blueprint.
user@server:~$ sudo blueprint create internal-cookbook
# [blueprint] using cached blueprintignore(5) rules
# [blueprint] searching for Python packages
# [blueprint] searching for PEAR/PECL packages
# [blueprint] searching for Yum packages
# [blueprint] searching for Ruby gems
# [blueprint] searching for npm packages
# [blueprint] searching for software built from source
# [blueprint] searching for configuration files
# [blueprint] /etc/ssl/certs/AC_Ra\xc3\xadz_Certic\xc3\
xa1mara_S.A..pem not UTF-8 - skipping it
# [blueprint] /etc/ssl/certs/NetLock_Arany_=Class_Gold=_F\xc5\
x91tan\xc3\xbas\xc3\xadtv\xc3\xa1ny.pem not UTF-8 - skipping it
# [blueprint] /etc/ssl/certs/EBG_Elektronik_Sertifika_Hizmet_Sa\
xc4\x9flay\xc4\xb1c\xc4\xb1s\xc4\xb1.pem not UTF-8 - skipping it
# [blueprint] /etc/ssl/certs/Certinomis_-_Autorit\xc3\xa9_Racine.
pem not UTF-8 - skipping it
# [blueprint] /etc/ssl/certs/T\xc3\x9cB\xc4\xb0TAK_UEKAE_K\xc3\
xc3\xbcr\xc3\xbcm_3.pem not UTF-8 - skipping it
# [blueprint] searching for APT packages
# [blueprint] searching for service dependencies
Step 3 − Create a cookbook from the blueprint.
user@server:~$ blueprint show -C internal-cookbook my-server/recipes/default.rb
Step 4 − Validate the content of the generated file.
user@server:~$ cat internal-cookbook /recipes/default.rb
# Automatically generated by blueprint(7). Edit at your own risk.
backup false
group 'root'
mode '0644'
owner 'root'
source 'tmp/96468fd1cc36927a027045b223c61065de6bc575.tar'
execute('/tmp/96468fd1cc36927a027045b223c61065de6bc575.tar') do
command 'tar xf "/tmp/96468fd1cc36927a027045b223c61065de6bc575.tar"'
cwd '/usr/local'
directory('/etc/apt/apt.conf.d') do
service('ssh') do
action [:enable, :start]
subscribes :restart, resources('cookbook_file[/etc/default/
keyboard]', 'cookbook_file[/etc/default/console-setup]',
'cookbook_file[/etc/default/ntfs-3g]', 'package[openssh-server]',

Workflow Script

Blueprint is a Python package that finds out all the relevant configuration data of the server and stores it in a Git repo. Each blueprint has its own name.
One can ask the blueprint to show the content of its Git repo in various formants.
user@server:~$ ls -l internal-cookbook /
total 8
drwxrwxr-x 3 vagrant vagrant 4096 Jun 28 06:01 files
-rw-rw-r– 1 vagrant vagrant 0 Jun 28 06:01 metadata.rb
drwxrwxr-x 2 vagrant vagrant 4096 Jun 28 06:01 recipes

Blueprints Show Commands

user@server:~$ blueprint show-packages my-server
apt wireless-regdb 2011.04.28-1ubuntu3
apt zlib1g-dev 1:
python2.7 distribute 0.6.45
python2.7 pip 1.3.1
pip blueprint 3.4.2
pip virtualenv 1.9.1

The preceding command shows all kinds of installed packages. Other show commands are as follows −
• show-files
• show-services
• show-sources

So, this brings us to the end of blog. This Tecklearn ‘Concept of Lightweight Resource Provider and Blueprints in Chef’ blog helps you with commonly asked questions if you are looking out for a job in DevOps. If you wish to learn Chef and build a career in DevOps domain, then check out our interactive, Continuous Delivery using Chef Training, that comes with 24*7 support to guide you throughout your learning period. Please find the link for course details:

Continuous Delivery using Chef Training

About the Course

Tecklearn has specially designed this Continuous Delivery using Chef Training Course to advance your skills for a successful career in this domain. The course will cover different components of Chef and how they are used in software development operations. The course consists of important concepts like Continuous Delivery (CD) using Chef, Chef Framework, How Chef Works, Chef Advantages and Chef Installation. You will get an in-depth knowledge of these concepts and will be able to work on related demos. Upon completion of this online training, you will hold a solid understanding and hands-on experience with Chef.

Why Should you take Continuous Delivery using Chef Training?

• The average salary for a Senior Development Operations (DevOps) Engineer with Chef skills is $118, 435. –
• Airbnb, Facebook, Slack, Shopify, Digital Ocean & many other MNC’s worldwide use Chef across industries.
• According to Grand View Research, the DevOps market size is estimated to be worth $12.85 billion by 2025. DevOps professionals are highly paid and in-demand throughout industries including retail, eCommerce, finance, and technology.

What you will Learn in this Course?

Introduction to DevOps
• What is Software Development
• Software Development Life Cycle
• Why DevOps?
• What is DevOps?
• DevOps Lifecycle
• DevOps Tools
• Benefits of DevOps
• How DevOps is related to Agile Delivery
• DevOps Implementation
Continuous Delivery using Chef
• Continuous Delivery
• What is Chef
• Chef Framework
• How Chef Works
• Chef Advantages
• Chef Installation
• Hands on

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