Authentication Methods supported by SAP HANA

Last updated on Sep 07 2022
Prabhas Ramanathan

Table of Contents

Authentication Methods supported by SAP HANA

All SAP HANA users who have access to HANA database are verified with different Authentication methods. SAP HANA system supports various types of authentication methods and all these login methods are configured at the time of profile creation.

Following is the list of authentication methods supported by SAP HANA −

  • User name/Password
  • Kerberos
  • SAML 2.0
  • SAP Logon tickets
  • X.509
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User Name/Password

This method requires HANA user to enter the user name and password to login to database. This user profile is created under User management in HANA Studio → Security Tab.

Password should be as per password policy. For example – Password length, complexity, lower- and upper-case letters, etc. You can change the password policy as per your organization’s security standards.

Note − The password policy cannot be deactivated.

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All users who connect to HANA database system using an external authentication method should also have a database user. It is required to map the external login to the internal database user.

This method enables the users to authenticate HANA system directly, using JDBC/ODBC drivers through the network or by using front-end applications in SAP Business Objects.

It also allows HTTP access in HANA Extended Service using HANA XS engine. It uses SPENGO mechanism for Kerberos authentication.

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SAML stands for Security Assertion Markup Language and can be used to authenticate the users accessing HANA system directly from ODBC/JDBC clients. It can also be used to authenticate the users in HANA system, coming via HTTP through HANA XS engine.

SAML is used only for authentication purposes and not for authorization.

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SAP Logon and Assertion Tickets

SAP Logon/assertion tickets can be used to authenticate the users in HANA system. These tickets are issued to the users when they login into SAP system, which is configured to issue tickets such as SAP Portal, etc. User specified in SAP logon tickets should be created in HANA system as it doesn’t provide support for the mapping users.

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X.509 Client Certificates

X.509 certificates can also be used to login to HANA system via HTTP access request from HANA XS engine. Users are authenticated by certificates that are signed from trusted Certificate Authority, which is stored in HANA XS system.

The user in trusted certificate should exist in HANA system as there is no support for user mapping.

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Single Sign On in HANA System

Single sign on can be configured in HANA system, which allows the users to login to HANA system from an initial authentication on the client. User logins at client applications using different authentication methods and SSO allows the user to access HANA system directly.

SSO can be configured using the following configuration methods −

  • SAML
  • Kerberos
  • X.509 client certificates for HTTP access from HANA XS engine
  • SAP Logon/Assertion tickets

You can also use SAP HANA Cockpit for performing user and role management tasks.

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So, this brings us to the end of blog. This Tecklearn ‘Authentication Methods supported by SAP HANA’ blog helps you with commonly asked questions if you are looking out for a job in SAP Hana Administration and SAP Domain. If you wish to learn SAP Hana Administration and build a career in SAP domain, then check out our interactive, SAP HANA Administration Training, that comes with 24*7 support to guide you throughout your learning period. Please find the link for course details:

 SAP HANA Administration Training

About the Course

SAP HANA Administration training will help you learn SAP HANA administration tools, security and user management, system management and availability, data provisioning and integration with non-SAP systems and more. You will deploy SAP HANA Studio, automate through OS scripts, command line admin tools through hands-on projects and case studies. This course is designed to clear the HA200 SAP HANA Operations and Administration Certification conducted by SAP and helps you get the best jobs in top MNCs.

Why Should you take SAP HANA Administration Training?

  • The average salary for SAP HANA Database Administrator ranges from approximately $65,843 yearly for Administrator to $143,051 yearly for Enterprise Architect. –
  • SAP HANA is one of the top tools for working with real-time data due to the transformational nature of this tool. The role of an SAP HANA Administration and Operations personnel is critical of the success of SAP HANA deployment in any industrial set-up.
  • Worldwide Business Intelligence and Analytics Market to grow to $22.8 billion in next 2 years – Gartner.

What you will Learn in this Course?

Overview of SAP HANA

  • Overview of SAP HANA
  • Features and Benefits of SAP HANA
  • SAP HANA Components
  • Concept of SAP HANA guides
  • Scenarios in SAP HANA Administration

Architecture of SAP HANA

  • What is SAP HANA persistence?
  • Concept of Sizing in SAP HANA
  • Process of achieving scale out in SAP HANA
  • How SAP HANA achieves in-memory computation
  • Concept of columnar database
  • How SAP HANA is so fast with comparison to other tools

SAP HANA installation

Overview of SAP HANA tools

  • SAPA HANA Studio for Administration activities in SAP HANA
  • Accessing local and remote HANA systems using Client Tool
  • Monitor, Control, Configure and Administer the SAP HANA database using DBA Cockpit
  • Using HANA Studio Information modelling and data provisioning in HANA database
  • SAP HANA Transport

SAP HANA Operations

  • Privileges in HANA
  • Configure Password Policy and create user in SAP HANA
  • Auditing in SAP HANA

SAP HANA Smart Data Access

Data Provisioning in SAP HANA

  • Leveraging SAP HANA technology and integration architecture for enriching, cleansing and transforming data from disparate sources
  • Data replication with the SAP Landscape Transformation (SLT)
  • Implementing SLT Configuration with SUSPEND LOAD

SAP HANA Operations

  • Create Repository and Job Server
  • SAP GRC Architecture

Administration Operations in HANA Studio

  • Updating HANA database using lifecycle management
  • Security in SAP HANA
  • Sessions and Transactions in SAP HANA
  • Configure System Replication using HANA Cockpit

Migration to SAP HANA using DMO

Performance Monitoring and Analysis in SAP HANA

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