Angular vs React

Last updated on May 31 2022
Santosh Prakash

Table of Contents

Angular vs React

Angular and React both are related to JavaScript but there are a lot of differences between them. Here, we are going to compare both of them and also explain their similarities, differences, advantages and disadvantages etc.

Comparison Index Angular React
History Angular is a TypeScript based JavaScript framework. It is written in TypeScript. Angular is developed and maintained by Google and known as a “Superheroic JavaScript MVWFramework“. Angular is a complete rewrite of AngularJS. AngularJS was released in 2010 and it takes almost 6 years to release its second version Angular 2 (a complete rewrite). The latest version of Angular is Angular 8 now. Google AdWords which is one of the important project of Google uses Angular, so it is going to be big in upcoming years. React is not a framework. It is a JavaScript library developed and maintained by Facebook and described as “a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React was released in 2013 and after that it is being used at Facebook.
Architecture Angular is a full MVC (Model, View, and Controller) framework.
Angular is considered a framework because it provides strong facilities like how to structure your application. In Angular, you don’t need to decide routing libraries.
Most prominent features of Angular:

  • Provides templates, based on an extended version of HTML.
  • Provides XSS protection.
  • Provides Dependency injection.
  • Provides Ajax requests by @angular/HTTP.
  • @angular/router for Routing.
  • Component CSS encapsulation.
  • Utilities for unit-testing components.
  • @angular/forms for building forms.
React is a simple JavaScript library (just the View) but it gives you much more freedom. React facilitates you to choose your own libraries.
Most prominent features of React:

  • React uses JSX, an XML-like language built on top of JavaScript instead of classic templates.
  • XSS protection.
  • No dependency injection.
  • Fetch for Ajax requests.
  • Utilities for unit-testing components.

React also provides some popular libraries to add functionalities:

  • React-router for routing.
  • Redux or MobX for state management.
  • Enzyme for additional testing utilities.
Used DOM Angular uses regular DOM. The regular DOM updates the entire tree structure of HTML tags. It doesn’t make difference in a simple real app but if you are dealing with large amount of data requests on the same page (and the HTML block is replaced for every page request), it affects the performance as well as the user’s experience. React uses virtual DOM which makes it amazing fast. It was said the most prominent feature of React when it was released.
It updates only the specific part within a block of HTML codes. The virtual DOM looks only at the differences between the previous and current HTML and changes only that part which is required to be updated.
Used Templates Angular uses enhanced HTML templates with Angular directives i.e. “ng-if” or “ng-for” etc. It is quite difficult because you have to learn its specific syntax. React uses UI templates and inline JavaScript logic together which was not done by any company before. This is called JSX. React uses component which contains both the markup AND logic in the same file. React also uses an XML-like language which facilitates developers to write markup directly in their JavaScript code. JSX is a big advantage for development, because you have everything in one place, and code completion and compile-time checks work better.
Data Binding Angular provides two-way data binding. When you change the model state, then the UI element changes. In Angular, if you change the UI element, then the corresponding model state changes as well. Additionally, if you change the model state, then the UI element changes. React provides one-way data binding. In React first the model state is updated, and then it renders the change in the UI element. When you change the UI element, the model state does not change.
TypeScript vs JavaScript Angular is written in TypeScript, so you must be comfortable with TypeScript before using Angular. React uses JavaScript which is a dynamically-typed language, so you don’t have to define the variable’s type. It makes it easy to use.
Scalability Angular is easy to scale. React is more scalable than Angular.
Speed Angular is fast as compared to old technologies but React is faster than Angular. React is faster than Angular.
Size The size of Angular is large, so it takes longer load time and performance on mobile. The size of React is smaller than Angular, so it is a little bit faster.
Company Using
  • Google
  • Nike
  • Forbes
  • Upwork
  • General Motors
  • HBO
  • Sony etc.
  • Facebook
  • Airbnb
  • Uber
  • Netflix
  • Instagram
  • WhatsApp
  • Dropbox etc.


  • Angular and React both are available under MIT license.
  • Both Angular and React are component based.

So, this brings us to the end of blog. This Tecklearn ‘Angular Vs React’ blog helps you with commonly asked questions if you are looking out for a job in Angular JS and Front-End Development. If you wish to learn Angular JS and build a career in Front-End Development domain, then check out our interactive, Angular JS Training, that comes with 24*7 support to guide you throughout your learning period. Please find the link for course details:

Angular JS Training

About the Course

Angular JS certification training is designed for developers who are responsible for building applications using AngularJS. Through a combination of presentations and hands-on practices, participants will explore Angular comprehensively and learn to build components, directives, template-driven forms, routing, etc. for complex data-centric (enterprise) applications. This Angular online training will update your knowledge and skills with the current Angular version to lift your career.

Why Should you take Angular JS Training?

  • The average salary for “Angular Developer” ranges from approximately $92,814 per year for a Developer to $113,069 per year for a Full Stack Developer (
  • YouTube, Google, Cisco, Nike, Samsung, Microsoft, Forbes, BMW and many Fortune 500 companies are using Angular as their front-end development framework to deliver an engaging user experience.
  • Angular’s powerful cross-platform feature allows developers to build progressive web applications and native mobile applications.

What you will Learn in this Course?

Introduction to Angular

  • Introduction to Angular
  • Comparison between front-end tools
  • Angular Architecture
  • Building blocks of Angular
  • Angular Installation
  • Angular CLI
  • Angular CLI commands
  • Angular Modules

Angular Components and Data Binding

  • Working of Angular Applications
  • Angular App Bootstrapping
  • Angular Components
  • Creating A Component Through Angular CLI
  • Ways to specify selectors
  • Template and styles
  • Installing bootstrap to design application
  • Data Binding
  • Types of Data Binding
  • Component Interaction using @Input and @Output decorator
  • Angular Animations


  • What is TypeScript
  • Need of TypeScript
  • How to install TypeScript
  • Nodemon for monitoring changes
  • Interfaces in Class, String Templates, Maps,
  • Sets and Object Restructuring

Directives and Pipes in Angular

  • Angular Directives
  • @Component Directive
  • Structural Directives
  • Attribute Directives
  • Custom Directives
  • Pipes
  • Built-in Pipes
  • Chaining pipes
  • Custom pipes
  • Pipe Transform Interface & Transform Function
  • Pure and Impure pipes

Angular Services and Dependency Injection

  • Angular service
  • Need for a service
  • Dependency Injection
  • Creating a service
  • Hierarchical Injector
  • Injecting A Service into Another Service
  • Observables
  • RxJS Library
  • Angular’s Interaction with Backend
  • Parts of an Http Request
  • HttpClient

Forms in Angular

  • Forms in Angular
  • What are their functions
  • Advantages of Forms
  • Various Types of Forms
  • What is Angular Validation and Model driven approach

Angular Routing

  • Angular Routing
  • Angular Routing benefits and features
  • Building a single page application and updating it dynamically with Angular Routing
  • What is Parameter Routing
  • Router Lifecycle Hooks and Child Routes

Authentication and Security in Angular

  • What is Authentication?
  • Authentication and authorization
  • Types of Authentication
  • Where to store tokens?
  • JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • Authentication in Angular application
  • Security threats in web application

Testing Angular applications

  • Testing of Angular applications
  • Deployment of Angular Test Bed for testing on Angular framework
  • Setup of various tools for testing
  • Testing services in Angular Framework
  • E2E and Document Object Model testing

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