Analytic Privileges and Information Composer in SAP Hana

Last updated on Dec 07 2021
Ganpathi R

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Analytic Privileges and Information Composer in SAP Hana

Analytic Privileges are used to limit access on HANA Information views. You can assign different types of right to different users on different component of a View in Analytic Privileges.

Sometimes, it is required that data in the same view should not be accessible to other users who do not have any relevant requirement for that data.


Suppose you have an Analytic view EmpDetails that has details about employees of a company- Emp name, Emp Id, Dept, Salary, Date of Joining, Emp logon, etc. Now if you do not want your Report developer to see Salary details or Emp logon details of all employees, you can hide this by using Analytic privileges option.

  • Analytic Privileges are only applied to attributes in an Information View. We cannot add measures to restrict access in Analytic privileges.
  • Analytic Privileges are used to control read access on SAP HANA Information views.

So we can restrict data by Empname, EmpId, Emp logon or by Emp Dept and not by numerical values like salary, bonus.

Creating Analytic Privileges

Right Click on Package name and go to new Analytic Privilege or you can open using HANA Modeler quick launch.

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Enter name and Description of Analytic Privilege → Finish. New window will open.

You can click on Next button and add Modeling view in this window before you click on finish. There is also an option to copy an existing Analytic Privilege package.

Once you click on Add button, it will show you all the views under Content tab.

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Choose View that you want to add to Analytic Privilege package and click OK. Selected View will be added under reference models.

Now to add attributes from selected view under Analytic Privilege, click on add button with Associated Attributes Restrictions window.

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Add objects you want to add to Analytic privileges from select object option and click on OK.

In Assign Restriction option, it allows you to add values you want to hide in Modeling View from specific user. You can add Object value that will not reflect in Data Preview of Modeling View.

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We have to activate Analytic Privilege now, by clicking on Green round icon at top. Status message – completed successfully confirms activation successfully under job log and we can use this view now by adding to a role.

Now to add this role to a user, go to security tab → User → Select User on which you want to apply these Analytic privileges.

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Search Analytic Privilege you want to apply with the name and click on OK. That view will be added to user role under Analytic Privileges.

To delete Analytic Privileges from specific user, select view under tab and use Red delete option. Use Deploy (arrow mark at top or F8 to apply this to user profile).

SAP HANA – Information Composer

SAP HANA Information Composer is a self-service modeling environment for end users to analyze data set. It allows you to import data from workbook format (.xls, .csv) into HANA database and to create Modeling views for analysis.

Information Composer is very different from HANA Modeler and both are designed to target separate set of users. Technically sound people who have strong experience in data modeling use HANA Modeler. A business user, who does not have any technical knowledge, uses Information Composer. It provides simple functionalities with easy to use interface.

Features of Information Composer

  • Data extraction − Information Composer helps to extract data, clean data, preview data and automate the process of creation of physical table in the HANA database.
  • Manipulating data − It helps us to combine two objects (Physical tables, Analytical View, attribute view and calculation views) and create information view that can be consumed by SAP BO Tools like SAP Business Objects Analysis, SAP Business Objects Explorer and other tools like MS Excel.
  • It provides a centralized IT service in the form of URL, which can be accessed from anywhere.

How to upload data using Information Composer?
It allows us to upload large amount of data (up to 5 million cells). Link to access Information Composer −

Login to SAP HANA Information Composer. You can perform data loading or manipulation using this tool.

To upload data this can be done in two ways −

  • Uploading .xls, .csv file directly to HANA database
  • Other way is to copy data to clipboard and copy from there to HANA database.
  • It allows data to be loaded along with header.

On Left side in Information Composer, you have three options −

Select Source of data → Classify data → Publish

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Once data is published to HANA database, you cannot rename the table. In this case, you have to delete the table from Schema in HANA database.

“SAP_IC” schema, where tables like IC_MODELS, IC_SPREADSHEETS exists. One can find details of tables created using IC under these tables.

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Using Clipboard

Another way to upload data in IC is by use of the clipboard. Copy the data to clipboard and upload it with help of Information Composer. Information Composer also allows you to see preview of data or even provide summary of data in temporary storage. It has inbuilt capability of data cleansing that is used to remove any inconsistency in data.

Once data is cleansed, you need to classify data whether it is attributed. IC has inbuilt feature to check the data type of uploaded data.

Final step is to publish the data to physical tables in HANA database. Provide a technical name and description of table and this will be loaded inside IC_Tables Schema.

User Roles for using data published with Information Composer

Two set of users can be defined to use data published from IC.

  • IC_MODELER is for creating physical tables, uploading data and creating information views.
  • IC_PUBLIC allows users to view information views created by other users. This role does not allow the user to upload or create any information views using IC.

System Requirement for Information Composer
Server Requirements −

  • At least 2GB of available RAM is required.
  • Java 6 (64-bit) must be installed on the server.
  • The Information Composer Server must be physically located next to the HANA server.

Client Requirements −

  • Internet Explorer with Silverlight 4 installed.

This Tecklearn ‘Analytic Privileges and Information Composer in SAP Hana’ blog helps you with commonly asked questions if you are looking out for a job in SAP Hana and SAP Domain. If you wish to learn SAP Hana and build a career in SAP domain, then check out our interactive, SAP HANA Training, that comes with 24*7 support to guide you throughout your learning period. Please find the link for course details:

SAP HANA Training

About the Course

SAP HANA is an in-memory computing application that is designed and developed to boost the business processes, deliver smart solutions, and simplify both hardware and software environments. Our Sap Hana Training course will help you understand and learn the fundamentals and will also felicitate on training hands-on for the better grasp on the course. Further, we have the highly qualified professionals who will train you about Sap Hana Studio, Modelling, Security features and its various other aspects. You will understand why SAP HANA is a fundamentally different database engine upon the completion of this SAP HANA course.

Why Should you take SAP HANA Training?

  • The average Sap Hana Consultant salary $165,750 per year or $85 per hour. (
  • SAP HANA is the highest growing technology; hence, there is no surprise in plenty of career opportunities in this field. Since it is one among the fastest-growing products in the history of SAP, it is considered by the industries as a ground-breaking key for in-memory databases.
  • SAP HANA currently has more than 6,500 customers globally.

What you will Learn in this Course?

Introduction to SAP HANA

  • Fundamentals of SAP HANA
  • Capabilities of SAP HANA
  • Limitations of SAP HANA

Key Features of SAP HANA

  • Key Features: High Performance functionalities In-Memory computing, Columnar store database, Data Compression and Massive Parallel Processing
  • Using SAP HANA for Non-SAP Applications

Architecture of SAP HANA

  • Detailed Architecture of SAP HANA Database
  • Concept of SAP HANA Landscapes and Scenarios

Overview of HANA Studio

  • SAP HANA System – Perspectives, Administration, Modelling, Development Plan
  • HANA Database SQL Basics and Database SQL Script
  • Types of statements and data types
  • Operators, expressions and basic query execution
  • Sub-queries, Types of Joins, Expressions and Loops
  • Catalog – Schema, Table, Views, Functions, Stored Procedures, Index, Synonyms, Sequences, Triggers

Data Provisioning

  • Data Provisioning with Flat File upload
  • Provisioning – SDA (Smart Data Access)
  • Joins Types in HANA

SAP HANA Modelling

  • Types of Models
  • Attribute Views, Joins and Using Filter Operations
  • Creating Restricted and Calculated Columns
  • Using Hierarchies
  • Analytic Views – Star Schema design and Multi-Dimensional Modelling
  • Variables and Input parameters

Calculation Views

  • Dimension Calculation View
  • Information View
  • SAP HANA Variables
  • Introduction to Input Parameters

SAP Project

  • Using HANA analytical view building of COPA (Controlling and Profitability Analysis) model
  • SAP HANA COPA for evaluation of market segments and classification of markets according to the products, customers or any combination of it

Dimension Calculation View

  • Dimension Calculation View – Star Join Calculation view
  • Using Projection, Join, Aggregation, Union and Rank

In-depth Modelling

  • Refactoring information models
  • Schema Mapping
  • Propagate to schematics and Show Lineage
  • Schema Mapping
  • Generating Time Data
  • Union Pruning
  • Using Time Travel
  • Migrating deprecated Information models
  • Using Currency Conversion
  • Web based Modelling Work bench

Analytic Privileges and Decision Tables

  • Classical Analytic Privileges
  • SQL Analytic Privileges
  • Dynamic analytic Privileges.
  • Turning Business Rules into Decision tables
  • Table Functions

SAP HANA Table Function

  • Query Optimizing Technique related to SAP HANA Tables
  • Web Based Modelling work bench

SAP HANA on Cloud

  • SAP Analytics with SAP Reporting environment SAP BOBJ – tools, WEBI, LUMIRA, DASHBOARD (integration between sap Hana and bob)

Advanced Topics Overview

  • SAP HANA Dynamic tiering
  • Delta Merge
  • SDI (Smart Data Integration)
  • SDA (Smart Data Access)

DATA Provisioning

  • SLT – SAP Landscape Transformation
  • BODS – Business Objects Data Services

Analytical Privileges

  • Classical XML Based Analytical Privileges
  • SQL Analytical Privileges

HANA Administration and Security

  • Hana Administration
  • Security in SAP HANA – User Management

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